Recently there was an interview with Resident Evil 4 producer Masachika Kawata. After doing some deeper digging on anything Resident Evil 5 and Wii related, I found a much clearer translation from the original Japanese interview. Read below:
Q: What inspired you to develop a new episode of the serie Resident Evil on Wii? (referring to RE:UC)
A: The Wii-mote was perfectly adapted to that kind of game.
Q: What do you think about third-party support on Wii in general. What drove you to develop on Wii instead of working on PS3 or X360?
A: The basic concept of Resident Evil is to run with guns and shoot everywhere [!!!], so from that perspective, it was really interesting to take full advantage of the uniqueness of the Wii. We wanted to create a balance between the shootings and the horror.
Q: We gave Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition an excellent score. Why isn't Capcom bringing RE5 to Wii? As we seen with that game, impressive graphics can be done on that platform as well.
A: Decisions surrending the RE5 project were taken a long time ago [perhaps even before Nintendo unveiled Wii-mote?] and they needed to choose quickly on which platform they wanted to develop it. They haven't decided if they will port RE5 on Wii yet. So in a way this game (RE4:Wii); well both games [I think the translator switched Kawata's words to point out both games] will help us to test the market, to see if developing this genre on this platform is interesting. The decision is not made yet.
Link to "Ask Capcom"
The key quotes are: "They haven't decided if they will port RE5 on Wii yet." "The decision is not made yet."
This leaves the door wide open for the Resident Evil 5 to come to the Wii. I payed a visit to Capcom's "Ask Capcom" and this question has been asked of them many times: "Why don't you just port Resident Evil 5 to the Wii?" They say the game can't be done on the Wii since its being made from the ground up for 360 and PS3, but that seems to set the forums ablaze with reasons why it could work on the Wii and how it could look good if made to the Wii's strengths(see my previous post on the TEV unit in Wii). There are many graphics discussions going on right now and many people are quick to discount the Wii. However if the producer of Resident Evil 4 hasn't decided if RE5 will come to the Wii yet, then you know that graphics are not really an issue to them(it is much easier to convert High-Res textures to Low-Res Textures than Low-Res to High-Res) its really the money. Capcom can make a port for the Wii and make it look similar enough to the other versions for a fraction of the cost. This doesn't confirm anything for sure but the possibility is very high. Another reason why Capcom would release Resident Evil 5 for the Wii would be to make a profit to cover development costs of the other versions.
*UPDATE 5/08/08*
Thank you all for your heartfelt comments and support for the chance of Resident Evi 5 coming to the Wii. Capcom still has not made an announcement on if RE5 would come to the Wii or not. Sometimes no news is good news. Capcom does know that Resident Evil 4 for the Wii is nearing 2 million copies sold worldwide and that it already has outsold RE4 on the Gamecube. I will bet the farm that Capcom will give the Wii at least 1 more Resident Evil game whether it is Resident Evil 5 or an exclusive Resident Evil game taking place right before Resident Evil 5 (Leon?) or (depending on when the game is released) right after RE5. I personally think that doing a port of RE5 would actually be easier for Capcom than making a totally new game. Why do I think that? Read this preview of WALL-E for the Wii which is being ported from the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game. Yes I understand that WALL-E is a completely different game than Resident Evil 5, but this shows that porting from the "big boys" is possible and might actually be easier than making a new Resident Evil game from scratch.
Capcom has the ability to port this game down for the Wii, there's no excuse anymore.
*UPDATE* 7/23/08
Sega of America president Simon Jefferey in an interview concerning hardcore gaming on the Wii let slip that Resident Evil 5 was coming to the Wii. He said: "Resident Evil 5 (he then pauses for a moment) when that happens on the Wii it's going to help."
Jefferey tried to backpedal his statement after the interview but I've found more evidence:
"Simon's a friend of mine... but I don't think I've spoken to him about anything like that.
Hey guys I don't know about you but that is looking like a very strong hint that RE5 is in development for the Wii. That is definitely not a denial, and usually when Sven talks like that it means something is happening concerning that subject (for the Wii in this case) and he can't say anymore about it or it will interfere with Capcom's future plans. If Resident Evil 5 was announced right now for the Wii, how many sales would that take away from the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions which are almost finished? From a business standpoint I can understand if Capcom plays it quiet until after those versions are released, and then they may announce RE5 for the Wii.
There's a light at the end of the tunnel it seems....
If this were last generation I would have to right off the chances of this ever happening. The Gamecube, in this same situation, would never have a pipe dream's chance of getting RE5 ported. But this day in age with the Wii selling like hotcakes and more mature games also selling well, not to mention RE, this has a decent chance.
Thats very true, the Gamecube would have never had a chance in hell. Really, I think Resident Evil 4 was lucky to come to the Gamecube-thanks to Capcom showing faith in the system early on.
The Wii has every chance in the world, it will be market leader soon and RE4 is selling well.
I want RE:UC to be a fun game simply for the fact that I would rather have a fun game than a crappy game on a system I own (no duh), but deep down I want it to fail miserably in sales compared to RE4: Wii Edition just so they come to their senses and make RE5 for the Wii. Or if not RE5 some other RE game in the same vein.
That is exactly how I feel. I'm not interested in RE:UC and I hope that the sales of RE4 Wii Edition destroy it so Capcom will see that Resident Evil 5 is the way to go. Good points my friend.
And do you know what the funny thing is? The GameCube was one of the most powerful systems of its time, yet the third-party support was piss-poor.
Sometimes I even wonder: is it processing power that matters whether a game should on it, or is it how much user base the console has?
User base my friend. Look how many PS2 games have gotten their own versions of games when the same game is released on PS3 and Xbox360. The more the Wii sells and the more RE4 sells on the Wii, the more chances that RE5 will come. I really believe it will.
i think that it will look very good aswell on the wii cant wait wii owners will have the most resident evil games because of all the testing the ground stuff cant wait
I do believe they will port the game to the Wii platform. I would plain stupid if they don't. I own RE4 for Wii and I would really like to play the fifth one on this console.
the gamecube was more powerfulk than the original xbox and the ps2, and no third party support was the thing that brought it down.
the wii has way more third party support, so it has a bigger chance
and I think the ps2 will outlast the ps3 personally
I've been playing the Resident Evil series since inception, yet admittedly, not EVERY version, but essentially, movements/targeting in the game with the Wii is definitely something symbiotic, which none of the other platforms offer.
Resident Evil is made for the Wii. That's easily attestable. I bought the Wii for the purpose of playing Resident Evil 4. I hope they release RE5 for it.
With the reception RE4's gotten with the Wii, it's a mistake not to release the next installment for it.
A lot og people I know have beaten RE4 for the PS2 or GC. They loved the game, and even though the've beaten it they still want to buy it for the wii.
In other words everyone would buy RE5 for the wii, I personally think it could work very well and might even do better then the PS3 znd 360 versions.
I think most people downgrade the power and possibilities of the Wii. If Resident Evil 5 comes out for Wii, it will make a competative fight against the 360 and the PS3. Wii sales are still high this season, but with contenders like Halo 3 in the market, Wii sales may lower. As a Wii owner, I personally don't want to hear anymore that the wii sucks. I just want highly anticipated games like Resident Evil 5 to show everyone that the Wii is sweet and has possibilities bigger than the other systems.
I don't know... I'm not sure if that's really the case. Multi-platform games are selling faster on the Wii then the other systems.
My theory is that they want to see the contrast in sells. Debut RE:5 for the PS3 and 360, then after the surge release on the Wii. Compare sales and then decide on the platform of the future.
However Biohazard:UC is an amazing game and it's almost certain that there will be sequels involving other games with online capabilities.
If RE5 will not be released on the wii version I SWEAR I curse CAPCOM!!!
While, yes, the Wii is less graphically powerful than say 360 or PS3, the PS3 version of RE5 won't sell. Not to diss on it, it's just that the console is so very expensive. The 360 version probably will sell. But after the 360 sales have died down a bit they'll think "Let's get our money back for how many PS3 games we made that didn't sell," and port it to Wii. Then they'll realize the Wii's graphics aren't THAT much worse than the other two, and is being shafted in the graphics department (it's twice as good as the Gamecube)! They won't have to lower the graphics bar too much. Come on Capcom! If they do, we'll have Umbrella Chronicles to tell the origins and T-Virus story, 4 for the Las Plagas story, and 5 for the African story. Basically the entire RE saga on Wii! Woot!
I'd be shocked if RE5 was not ported onto the latest Nintendo platform after debuting on the PS3 and 360.
hi i own a 360 a xbox a wii a game cyuwd and a ps1 al the game boys i first playd residnt evul 4 on game cube it was brilyant a playd it on ps2 it look very por the grafix ar sll most the same as ps1 a playd it on the wii it lookt as good as a game cube and was just as good residnt eavul needs 2 be on all the top 3 formats ther not that muty difrnt so cap com get off ov yor lazy assis ang meke lowds mor residnt eavul i love the story with zombys re4 was not as goog as all the rest
I think the reason that they made re uc for wii is that they couldn't put re5 on so they are having a " were sorry we can't put this game on but instead take this crappy reuc game
jack attack, i am very sorry you feel that re uc is a crappy game. It really brought me back to the real story and historical memories. Second of all dont think that just because they released re uc on wii that rumor has it that re5 wont be on wii. If you want Resident Evil 5 on wii, just keep supporting this idea and cross your fingers. I really want to see re5 on wii.
I agree with, re:uc is a very good game for long time re players. I'm very satisfied, but I don't plan on buying an 360 or a ps3, the only regret I have about that decision is that re5 may not be on the wii. I have every re game out there and I would like to get re5 without spending 300-500 dollars ona system that I'm only getting one game for.
CAPCOM can just lower the graphics for RE5 wii edition like the graphics in RE4 wii edition... but for me the graphics is not really an issue... What I want is just an excellent gameplay and story like RE4. I'm sure that almost all wii owners also has the same wants as I do... So lets just keep hoping and praying that the game Resident Evil 5 "Wii Edition" would be released.......
I've Beaten RE4 on GC, and PS2 numerous time.....I'm in the process of beating RE4 on WII right now....and playing it on the WII is as if i've never played it before (besides for the fact i've beaten it a good 5 or 6 times and my hands know what to do before my brain does) its still best on WII.
If they don't port RE5 for the wii...capcom is going to have to try and shoot down more of us zombies then they could ever imagine
I am sure they will come to their senses soon and realize the wii is more capable than any other console out there...and if they really want to make some profit they will port it for the wii.
Hello everyone, if you're like me (and after reading it seems you are) then you want RE5 on Wii! I've made a Petition group on Facebook to try and convince Capcom to port it ASAP! Please join just search Resident Evil 5 Wii. Hope to see you support the cause!
I just hope I get my hand on one of the RE5 copies before it might get band for rasism hahaha, RE5 has great chance of gameplay then the other systems PS tried the eyetoy and they didnt sell but the wii has a great chance of that copy of eyetoy and they harnessed the power of it which can really shoot the selling charts for Capcom, they just have to accept that they will get good sells on the game and that those asians aren't that lazy to even make a copy for Wii. I have a PS3 and when RE5 comes out for it I won't buy it coz I know that if I doesn't sell well then they might do it for the Wii. I don't want Capcom to crash but I want to play RE5 on Wii only, I hate that the Capcom company just abandons the Nintendo company and gives them a crappy game called Resident evil:UC its so stupid, we all know what the story is we dont want to play the past, we want to play the new stuff!!! Plz read my POST.
i've played resident evil 4 and i felt as if capcom wanted you to feel the emotional/physical stress and desperation that leon and ada feel when they, for example, run out of ammo and you are scouting around while being chased by ganados. So i personally think capcom would lose so many loyal supporters if they choose to ignore the wii market
Then again xbox 360 users and ps3 users look at the wii sports and other games...WITH bad graphics thinking the it should just be for them. RE4 was an eyeopener for wii graphics...i wanted to get a 360 but my mom wanted something that the whole family could play...i live off RE4 on the wii....personaly Wii sports sucks
It will not come out the wii due to the fact that a lot of third party companys are dropping support for the
No, it WILL come to the Wii because of the sales of RE4 and The Umbrella Chronicles.
RE4 Wii has sold almost 1.5 million and RE: The Umbrella Chronicles has sold over 800k. Those are very good sales for games that weren't supposed to do good don't you think?
Here is the proof of my words: http://vgchartz.com/games/index.php?name=Resident+Evil+4&console=Wii&publisher=&genre=&keyword=&order=Last+Updated
Just go to http://vgchartz.com/ and search those games to see the sales since the links I posted didn't work before.
Are you a Wii owner that’s sick of Xbox 360 and PS3 getting all the great games? If so, you’re in the right place. There are 3 important things you can do to get Resident Evil’s publisher and developer Capcom to consider releasing RE5 on the Wii.
#1. Sign the online petition for free at http://www.petitiononline.com/WiiRes5/petition.html
It has over 35,000 signatures already. There is no spam emails after you sign the petition. There is also a link at the bottom of that page where you can ‘send petition to a friend’. Make sure you send the page to all your friends, whether or not they have a Wii.
#2. Purchase Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition if you haven’t already. It has sold over 1 million copies worldwide since its release on July 5, 2007. For more information on the game please visit http://au.gamespot.com/wii/action/residentevil4/index.html?tag=result;title;0
#3. Purchase Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles if you haven’t already. It has sold over 950,000 copies worldwide since its release on December 13, 2007. For more information on the game please visit http://au.gamespot.com/wii/action/residentevilseries/index.html?tag=result;title;0
Please copy and paste this entire post in a new bulletin (MySpace), in a comment to your friends (MySpace, Facebook), aswell as in an email to everyone on your mail list.
re 5 must come to wii or ill sell the console !!its all about money rather than custumer loyalty how much money do we spend on gameing? its your chance capcom to avoid a revolution, do it,do it now or die a slow painful death!!,(please)x
all rise the revolution is emminant!!wii massive stand together we can be victorious!!
Mosh, Even Thou I'd like to get my hands on RE:UC, I Would rather get Resident Evil 5 on the Wii. I think That if they just use the similar graphics as in The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, but a little better. They could pull it off. RE5 for the Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Gamer like would like to get my hands on RE:UC, I Would rather get Resident Evil 5 on the Wii. I think That if they just use the similar graphics as in The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, but a little better. They could pull it off. RE5 for the Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was unconvinced but after reading this blog I've come round to the idea that re5 will make it to the wii. This is simply down to the popularity of the wii, it has a huge market - something that nobody could have predicted. At the time capcom made the decision to go for the 360 and ps3, thinking the wii would have the smallest market. They were proved wrong.
Resi4 on wii is tops!!, why dont capcom make Resi5 on wii graphics dont matter the wii controls are best suited for this type of game and that is clearly shown in Resi4 on wii, capcom will regret not making Resi5 on wii!!!!!!!
i hope RE 5 comes to wii but if it dosent they better make a RE game for wi that will be way better than RE 5. so then sense wii didnt get the RE 5 wii will still have a kick butt game/
Resident Evil one of my favorite games.I read the Chapter One book. I hope that game Resident Evil 5 will be better than all Resident Evil games put together.
To the people who said it wouldn't have come to the GameCube if it was the last generation - it actually would have been built right for it - Nintendo had paid for Exclusivity of the series, that's why Zero and the RE1 remake were GameCube only, and RE4 didn't appear on PS2 until later (because the contract expired)
The way I see it,Capcom appearantly thought that UC was enough to fill the need for Re5,but happily,with all the support from fans(including myself)I thtink they'll change their minds.Sure, the wii isn't as powerful as the other two,but in no way whatsoever is a wii version impossible to make
All we get's a spin off and a port of RE4?, how is that fair?, PS3/360 owners get RE5,I want a game set in Africa,with chris redfield as the main character and the same camera as RE4,and I want it on the wii!
After seeing the latest gameplay video of Resident Evil 5 on Gamevideos.com I can see that the game looks almost exactly the same as Resident Evil 4. The animations and way Cris aims his gun, the behind the back camera - it's all the same as RE4. Seeing that makes me even more certain that RE5 will come to the Wii sooner or later. A Wii version would have less detailed textures and lower polygon models but I don't think you could see much difference unless you zoomed in on the enemy after you killed them to examine the detail. Capcom has put themselves into a corner also because they said that after seeing the sales for RE4 and UC they would further consider putting RE5 on the Wii. Well each game has sold over 1 million copies now so how much more considering do you need Capcom? I think we could be hearing something soon about this from them....
Capcom can expect me to leave a paper bag full of my own crap on their doorstep if RE5 won't be on the wii.I heard somewhere that there was such a thing as a hard-drive extension that could be added to the wii to give it more memory power;if that's true,Capcom has no excuse in hell not to make it on the wii,and if that doesn't persuade them,we could all start a riot in front of Capcom headquarters and take the executive officer hostage and give them a choice:buy all 38,000 of us a 360,or make it on the wii>I opt for the latter
MetalDave is right,the graphics of RE5 on the wii would be amazing.No one's ever tapped into the wii's full potential,so RE5 could be the first to do so!.Also,when's Capcom gonna leak some more information about the subject?How do we know what they said about giving us more info wasn't just a placebo?
Hopefully,Capcom doesn't do this again(making a highly anticipated game for just the 360/PS3)RE5 is the only thing I have to look foreward to right now.I can't stop thinking about it.My doctor even prescribe me prozac so I will stop thinking about it!They chose the wrong systyem to neglect and it WILL come back to haunt them if RE5wasn't made for the wii
I hope RE5 comes to the wii, i have RE:UC and RE4 for the wii.So why dosent Capcom make it for the wii? I thought it was coming out for the wii so i got one. If they dont come out with it, i will kick them.
And I'll stun 'em in the balls!.But seriously,RE5 has to be on the wii;to make a game that has sold great on the gamecube and PS2 last generation and come out with canon games on just the PS3/360 is just plain stupidity,not to mention crazy,too
Hey there!.I have 10 reasons why RE5 should and could be made for the wii:here they are.1.RE4 is being made for cellphones2.The demand is HUGE3.The petition has nearly 40,000 signatures4.The wii is the top selling console5.The Umbrella Chronicles has sold more than one million copies6.RE4:wii edition sold more than one million copies7.RE5 isn't much different than RE48.The wii is twice as powerful as the gamecube9.The wii is cheaper than the PS3 and X-box36010.Most of RE's user base is on the wii.I rest my case.
Untill now, I had no idea Capcom wasn't planning on putting RE5 on the Wii. The Wii and GC are the only consoles i own! If they don't put RE5 on the Wii, Capcom is making a HUGE mistake. The profits they will miss out on are unimaginable.
Sucks,doesn't it?,I have been loyal to Nintendo since square one and Capcom used to be one of my favorite third-party developers,but if the don't make RE5 on the wii,I'll never buy a single game from them again.
One of the very important factors that is considered is that no one has ever completely unlocked the potential of the wii.If they made the wii just as good with graphics as 360 and ps3 it could mean the end of those two graphic power houses.
That's exactly right!,the wii is already the top-selling console,and with better graphics,they would draw in the "hard-core" gamers who shun the wii because it is "graphically inferior"and the wii sales would skyrocket through the roof,knock out your grandma and kill the neighbors!
And then theres the memory problem to discuss
well take a look at this
Theres your answer capcom!!
For some strange reason,my computer won't allow me to view videos.Can you please elaborate?
it shall come!
Looking back at RE4,I realize those graphics are good enough for me(though RE5's graphics are only slightly better)as for the memory problem,the wii is very capable of that, too.
I'd be shocked if we didn't hear anything on this at E3, or any other gaming event. The Wii has been marginalized by alot of developers, almost like they were wishing this "fad" would end. But now they see the $$$ to be made and watch what will begin to happen. I fully feel Wii is very very capable. As I said in a previous post RE4 wii sold more than the cube version! That is huge considering it is a port of an old title, Capcom sees the light ($$$) Companies can not ignore the light ($$$. On a side note, did anyone see the recently released sale numbers for april? The supposed month of GTA? Wii still outsold both competitors I think combined. And MK sold over a million, Wii is a monster.
Normal Broadway interface:
Bus Interface Unit to System Bus = 64 bit * 243 MHz = 1.944 GB/s
Bus Interface Unit from chip = 17 GB/s
L2 Data cache to fill buffer 64 bit * 729 MHz = 5.832 GB/s
L2 Instruction cache to L1 instruction cache = 32 bit * 729 MHz = 2.916 GB/s
DMA controller to fill buffer 64 bit * 729 MHz = 5.832 GB/s
Fill buffer to L1 Data cache 256 bit * 729 MHz = 23.328 GB/s
Write Gather Pipe from Load/Store Unit 64 bit * 729 MHz = 5.832 GB/s
Broadways data compression
Data compression of 4:1 average data compression:
Bus Interface Unit to System Bus 4:1 = 7.78 GB/s
Bus Interface Unit from chip 4:1 = 68 GB/s
L2 Data cache to fill buffer 4:1 = 23.328 GB/s
L2 Instruction cache to L1 instruction cache 4:1 = 11.664 GB/s
DMA controller to fill buffer 4:1 = 23.328GB/s
Fill buffer to L1 Data cache 4:1 = 93.312 GB/s.
Write Gather Pipe from Load/Store Unit 4:1 = 23.328 GB/s
8 x the bandwidth reads of a xbox celeron cpu
wii is clearly a 480p x360 level machine
XBOX celeron 9 million trans count
broadway cpu over 20 million trans count
xbox bus 1 gb bandwidth
wii bus bandwidth 7.7 plus gb bandwidths
Huh?,what does all that mean,I have no idea what that post meant.If it's more facts that support RE5 for the wii,then I applaud you.
Firstly Resi 5 wii should happen. And believe it or not but Capcom could do a straight port from the ps3 verion if they teamed up with high voltage and adopt their new quantum 3 physics engine which has achieved xbox 360 visuals. they are looking for a developer still, why not Capcom? If not then with some effort they could still make resi 5 wii look amazing. the wii can do so much better given the chance. No one has yet used the wii to its full potential, yet the wii still owns the market by a clear 10,000 miles. the console war is between ps3 and xbox 360 for second place. the wii is just to far ahead, it's great. Secondly if ur as bigger fan of resi as i am and resi 5 doesn't come to wii then im sure u will all feel bitter. So theres two things we can all do. 1) stop buying all Capcom games and eventually the company will lose profits as the wii gave them most of that money they are using to spend on Resi 5. 2) Gather together and host a raid in honour of resi 5 not coming to wii, the government will look at the reason why we all went nuts and shut down Capcom. Simple. Of course this won't happen but i really want resi 5 wii and so does pretty every wii owner on the planet. The chances are it will come to wii as Capcom must have seen the amount of followers. For all we know they could have already made it on wii and just be building up the suspence for all of us. PLEASE WE WANT RESI 5 ON WII.
TO THE DUDE THAT CAN'T SEE VIDEOS....................
Adam Sessler just says that wii owners have been complaining about the lack of memory and that you shouldn't act so suprised to see a flash drive or hardrive with the wii label stamped on it.
Well thats pretty much a quick summary and this may just be wishful thinking but considering(sorry for all the buts)that G4 is a big company that wouldn't want to give untrue news
they maybe already know its coming but nintendo told them to reword to build suspense.
There has also been rumors of a HD upgrade for wii.
The wii is obviously the most popular console right now so Capcom really f**ked this one up BIG TIME.I really want this game more than Bill Gate's fortue.Thats right ,I wont give up until I have RE5 for the wii.Not the PS3,not the Xbox 360;the wii.
SWEET!.Take that sony,take that,ms;The wii already had great graphics,but an HD wii would kick some serious ass!
I can't wait for RE 5. It is a damn shame that it is the last game in the franchise. I am going to miss shooting zombies and monsters that are similar to zombies.
No one ever said this would be the last RE.If capcom doesn't make this game on the wii,it could be their last...
Resident Evil 4:Wii = my current favorite game ever.
Resident Evil UC = Game I played for 2 days... try again and again to get enjoyment out of it... but the whole Survivor LightGun series just isn't nearly as fun.
Almost everyone of my friends will buy a RE5:Wii... It does take a little time to rework art for lesser platforms, but as a game devloper, I know the amount of work , and the amount of return Capcom will get... TONS!!!
Let's just hope.
Thing is... I don't know if I would like it nearly as much on 360 or PS3. The WiiMote/NunChuk on RE4 just rocks.
So It's just a matter of re-coding it for the wii?.If so,Capcom has no excuse!.Correct me if I'm wrong,but isn't there such a thing as an extension for the wii's hardrive?.Can the wii version have as many enemies on-screen at once?Anyway,I share you sentiments about the wii-remote.It truly is the best.
hello to everyone..i am a wii owner and i m trying to keep myself away from buying an xbox360 because of the upcoming res5 release and today i saw this revolution of yours against capcom's decision, and i m going to say this: I WILL WAIT TILL THE END OF MY WII CONSOLE TO BECOME AGAIN PART OF THIS ZOMBIE FEST ONLY WITH MY WII MOTE SHOTGUN!!!CAPCOM WE RE GOING TO BLAST YOU LIKE UMBRELLA CORP.!!YOU SUCK, SHOW US IF YOU GOT THE BALLS TO PROVE YOURSELF AS THE BADDEST MOTHER... GAMECOMPANY EVER. WE WANT RES5 AND WE WANT STREETFIGHTER FOR OUR CONSOLE...YOU GOT THAT?" I CANT STAND WATCHING MY WII WAITING FOR A GOOD GAME WITH DESCENT GRAPHICS... I WANT IT ALL AND I WANT IT NOW..WII HAS POTENTIAL FOR BETTER GRAPHICS THAN F..ING FAR CRY PORT OR UBISOFT'S SPLINTER CELL. i played shadow of the colossus before 2 years in ps2 and i still remember the colossal feeling of progressive scan in a console 7 years old ,i killed our greek god of olympus with my athena's blades in god of war2 (i honestly believe that the programmers forgot that they were programming in ps2..they thought that the game was for the ps3)...So what im trying to say is that wii deserves a lot better graphics than gamecube,ps2,xbox..the wii deserves all the good games!!all you have to do capcom and you other 3rd party companies is sit down your fat asses and do the best ports you could create..and you ll see that the wii owners are truly and deeply generous!! thank you!! "πολεμίστε ρεεεεεεεεε το κατεστημένο!"
Amen to that!The wii is clearly the best console of this generation.I am so sick of hearing "The wii's for fags".Because it's for every one!
At least 1 more game?! come on guys resident evil games are all out on a nintendo console, to just stop the series on the wii would be heartbreaking. main reason i bought a wii was to play all the resident evils and im sure some of you share that reaons along with many others on why to buy a wii. i think that capcom should understand that wii owners are 1 of the mains audiences (as well as playstation) but Xbox?!?! to cut us off from the series or any other RE games would be betrayal. don't act like we can only get 1 RE game at least...we demand them all!
Yeah!,I agree!.Capcom made the worst descision ever not to make this game on the wii!.Hopefully,this will make them suffer as much as us wii-owners did(do)!
we gotta see an announcement for a wii version soon. perhaps at captivate 08. Hey RE4 is on mobile phone, what clue does that give you for R5 to come to wii?
re4 was on mobile. How could RE5 possibly not come to the wii? There should be announcement for a wii version within days.
Who are you people to say that resident evil 5 would look good on the wii? you havn't even seen it in its full glory yet.
Just becuase you think they will be able to do it doesn't mean they will. If they were certain they could make it for wii they would of said months ago.
And you do all know its gonna have co-op mode for the whole campaign? I think that would suck ass on the wii personally, i own one, and the online system is pretty pathetic. I may get it for my wii if it comes out, but i'm waiting for somthing else, i want resident evil 5 to look spanktaculas!.
The reason its coming for xbox is becuase it can handle it, this is just a "who can run it?" competition and unfortunatley the wii is always gonna come out last.
To the TWO ANONYMOUS guys above me........one of the reasons they haven't announced it if they ever will for the wii yet is because when they decided to make this game they had too choose between all three consoles and they had too choose fast.........it was before they even knew about wiimote or nunchuck........and they can't just announce things immediately,it takes time and money.Come on get real,Takeuchi isn't just gonna say "oh,we should make it for wii lets go announce it right now".Why not spread the love let us all have the game.The wii isn't as bad as people say.I have a 360 elite and i want my fellow Wii owners to have RE5 too,they deserve it,no really you guys deserve it.
Oh,my God!.Is graphics the only thing that matters to you?.How about GAMEPLAY!?.No matter what, you will never be right about the wii.It is fully capable of running this game,and though you may care about graphics,gameplay will always be more important!.Besides,the playstation brand has always had the worst controllers ever!
some idiot named jackson down there said a ton of things that are completely and totally wrong:
first of all the gamecube was not more powerfull than the ps2 and definitely not the x box you freakin retard and second of all the 3rd party support for the wii is just as bad if not worse than that for the gamecube and 3rd of all and probably the stupidest thing i have ever heard ever since i left my mothers womb is that there is no way in hell that the ps2 will outlast the ps3 you stupid, stupid kid. the ps3 sales are now topping the 360 monthly sales and soon overall sales are going to beat 360 even though the ps3 came out months after the 360. so jackson you can shut your mouth because you dont know what you're talking about and you have probably never played a game system in your life. so go post your pointless blogs somewhere else. ive been playing RE since n64/psx and it really isnt a big deal if the new one doesnt come out on wii, just get it on the 360 or ps3, ps3 version will be better. but anyway, werent the re4 controls sick for the wii?
jackson, you are an imbasil
and not only that jackson, you communist bastard, your post had absolutely, positively nothing, NOTHING, to do with this blog. now shut up and go rub your sensitive nipples somewhere else
re4 wii edition controls would be good for re5 if you are a big enough fan of the series it really doesnt matter if it doesnt come out on the wii-eventhough that would be freakin sweet if it did come out on wii
shut your mouth jackson
and walter88 you can stop dissing the psx controller if you please. they set the bar for all standard controllers and its a classic. after the psx all the systems took their controller design and switched some of the buttons and mabye fiddled with the shape. but i do agree that gameplay is the most important aspect to a great game.
shut up jackson
First off I'd have to disagree with that statement of the psx controller setting the standard. That award goes to the SNES which the psx was patterned after. Second it is a known fact that the cube was/is more powerful than the ps2 and is on par with the first xbox. Nintendo has always been the trailblazer for innovation..even now there are "rumors" of both 360&PS3 making their versions of a Wii-Mote. I used to be impressed by updated graphics and the "Wow this looks cool factor" but after playing Metroid Prime 3 and later re4 wii, those controls put to shame the clunky gamepad controls. To the point where the real immersion comes from the gameplay. Not to mention that Prime 3 is such a beautiful game that you still get that "WOW" factor. We want RE5 for wii for that same reason. And Capcom needs to make it happen.
SORRY,man!.I just don't like the ps's controller for 3 reasons:boxy shape that jabs into your hands,bad placement of analog sticks,and 4 shoulder buttons!
i have to agree with the anonymous above. if you really like the series enough youll get your hands on re5 whether or not it does come out on the wii. and yes, it has been confirmed that the ps3 is coming out with a wii remote. oh well, its all about the customers i guess. im just gonna get it for ps3 which the controller is very, very comfortable by the way, even if the analog sticks are akward at times. but either way it really isnt worth a huge argument about why they should make it for wii. if they do they do and if not than oh freakin well. mario galaxy will always be the best wii game with zelda coming in at a close second and geometry wars at 3rd. but those games are all behind us. its time to look forward to new things, like metal gear solid 4 and re5 and star wars force unleashed. if you guys are so tired of crappy 3rd party support than buy a ps3 and use your wii as an inbetween ps3 games console. that is the way to live. and one more thing, halo sucks and cod4 rocks. adios
hahahahhahahahahhaha jackson you imbasil
RE5 has to be on the wii:Capcom would be letting to many fans down,and that wouldn't go over well.And I don't care that the ps3 has a "wii-mote".Nintendo will always be best!
i agree with the anonymous's above. you guys can build a shrine around your re4 and gamecube and complain about re5 not being for wii and live in the past. but i will move on and get it for my ps3 and move on to the future.
haha jackson you freakin retard hahahaha
im tired of all these wii/gamecube fanboys. i like my wii and gamecube but they are not the best systems for their generations. they have horrible 3rd party support and no good online and basically a watered down experience compared to the others. all nintendo has are a few good NINTENDO made games and those can only last someone so long. so you all can leave your sheltered nintendo lives and move on to bigger and better things. and i agree with the guy above that mario galaxy is the best thing the wii will ever have.
Wow. That is a huge and ignorant comment above me. To say Galaxy is the best game Wii will ever get? And what Halo3 is the best 360 will get? or MGS4 is the best PS3 will get? I always hear the knock on wii for third party support, but until third parties put in effort I feel they deserve that stigma. Also as a consumer I feel sony has slapped folks in the face by releasing a third console with essentially the SAME CONTROLLER for 3 Generations thats disgusting. Also Prime 3 for me is actually the best single player experience I've had on the wii thus far. Not Galaxy, though it was a great game. But this is all irrelevant to the topic of RE5 being on Nintendo's console. Which it should be, Monster Hunter, Fatal Frame, and now Tenchu have all made the jump RE is sure to follow.
Screw you!,the wii is the best.Not everyone has to be like you.Your'e just harping on the wii because you dream about lining up wii owners and shooting them in the backs.You're entitled to your own opinion,and RE5 will be best on wii,so go jack off!
yes mario galaxy is the best that wii has. and also halo 3 is not the best that the 360 will get. halo is the lamest, most overrated game in history. cod4 and gta4 are pretty much as good as its gonna get for the 360 for a while. and yes mgs4 is going to be the best ps3 game of all time. the only people that complain about metal gear are those who have never played it and beaten it. but arent the trailors for re5 and force unleashed sick? even if re5 doesnt come out on wii im still gonna get it.
re5 is gonna come out on wii whether you argue about it or not. i just hope its as good as mario galaxy. metal gear will keep me busy in the meantime.
i highly doubt that everyone who has a wii only has a wii. i have a wii and 360 and everyone i know has either a ps3 or a 360 to go along with thier wii. and if you do have just a wii than its your fault for being bored and trying to scrounge up any good game you can. so you re5 people that only have a wii can just stop complaining and get another system to go along with it and if it does come out for wii then that will be great but atleast youll be having fun untill then.
Just a reminder to people commenting here:
I moderate all comments before they get published due to a Troll that was spewing vulgarity and hate on my site and I couldn't allow that to continue. That is why when you leave a comment here you won't see it right away, but all comments will get published don't worry.
Thank you for your patience and I'm sorry that one person had to ruin free and easy commenting, but he wouldn't listen to my warnings.
the wii is not the best. although it does have some of the best games. i think its just a good side-kick system.
Wii has plenty of quality games as it is. The only people saying otherwise are fanoboys for other consoles. But it is interesting what is going on here. It is almost like a civil war in the videogame community. Those who want a change (Wii) those against change (360 PS3) I think as far as traditional gaming goes 360 offers good entertainment. But I also feel Nintendo needed to make the Wii because Videogames were becomming redundant. Essentailly the same game with updated graphics. That's not gonna cut it.
After RE4 Wii controls I repeat you CANNOT go back to a traditional gaming pad. With the economy in the tubes ain't no way I'm paying 3-400$ for a machine to play a new game an old way. I dumped my 360 for a wii. No desire for a ps3. RE5 will make it to Wii. If it doesn't that's capcoms loss.
I agree: their's no point in hating a system that is clearly DESTROYING the other 2.RE5 is coming out for wii,and guess what;it's still coming out on the PS3/360(shocking!)and you won't be forced to buy it for wii.Sign the petition,and EVERYONE will be happy.
i agree with aron darios or whatever above with almost everything except for one thing. the wii does not have plenty of high quality games. i can count the good ones on two hands. there really arent too many good games on the wii and even the good games that wii has only last so long after one beats it. whats a great system with crappy games? most game companies are just implementing the new motion sensing controls but not paying attention to the rest of the game, thus, making a half-assed, crappy game with cool controls. but this could be a good thing. as the industry gets more used to the wii's motion sensing ability they can then focus more on other aspects of the game and make a great game the ps3 or 360 could never had. thats the day im waiting for. but untill then, i hate to say it, my wii is going to be a "side-kick" system, like that comment a few people above says. dont be calling me a fanboy or anything just because i play my ps3 while im waiting for the wii to reach its full potential and mabye, just mabye, re5 will be the game to help the wii do it.
well if re5 doient come out thats a shame to capcom it makes no sence gamecube was 4x faster than ps2 and wii is 3 to 4 times faster at leat than game cube and ps3 is like 8x faster than ps2 to you do the math wi can take the grphics arnt that much better and if they convert it then convert itdown to 2x re4 i mean re4 wasnt the top speed for gc so wii can take lik 5 to 6 time the graphics of re4 if the dont make it there really stupid!!!.
I agree 100%.If RE5wii came out,even if it just use the RE4 engine,it would be frickin' awesome!.COME ON,CAPCOM!!!!
after reading all the posts i can see that everyone has a wii and that no one is against re5 coming out on wii. but there are many that argue that if re5 doesnt come out on wii it really isnt too big of a deal. in my opinion re5 should come out on wii but if not then ill just get it on ps3.
i wonder when the next update will be. I hope we get some news soon about RE5 on wii.
Hopefuly at E3 08.And hopefully,they won't cut out any of the areas,weapons,enemies or extra conntet.PLEASE Capcom!
You know I have to say, that this is the only gaming site I've ever cared to write a comment on. Metaldave, I wanna commend you on the great job you do on this site. The articles and such are very well done and well written. Also to the rest of the folks posting on here whether agreeable or not seem to be a mature crowd. Which is refreshing in the gaming community.
Anyway no more mushy stuff. I hope we do get an update on RE5 Wii soon. And also I do believe the Wii has plenty quality titles. But this is an opinion. I am personally not bored with Brawl, or Kart, and Prime 3 is a masterpiece. But I guess I'm just a "Casual" gamer who likes "hardcore" games? Even that $h!t has2stop "casual" "hardcore". Can you play a hardcore game casually? Enough rambling keep up the great work.
Thanks for the complements arius dion, it is nice to hear.
In my opinion the Wii is actually the most hardcore gaming platform ever created. The Wii remote has incited more inspiration from hardcore gamers (Johnny Lee) than ever before and usually people who only own a Wii also own a PC. I'd say that's more hardcore than the 360/PS3 audience. I'm one of those by the way. Anything that the PS3 or 360 can do graphically can't compare to what the PC can do (if you have the rig) and I also play the Wii for the interaction and the fun. You can't beat WiiPC in my mind.
Resident Evil 5 or any new Resident Evil game that's made from the ground up for Wii, needs to made by Capcom and I know that Capcom can feel the pressure now more than ever to get the job done soon.
Damn right!.How could sony call their "console" a console if it's a "blu-ray media center".It seems like the console part is an after-thought!.But the wii is focused on gaming.If Capcom wants to keep their fans,they'll make RE5 for wii;it just has to happen!
mario galaxy
metroid prime 3
geometry wars galaxies
mario kart
zelda:twilight princess
super smash bros.
paper mario
those are all the good games right now give or take a couple. the wii is a great system but it doesnt spit out as many great games as the ps3 and 360 do. there isnt anything wrong with a standard controller. standard conrollers arent boring like you all keep saying. i dont like my ps3 because of the amazing graphics(eventhough i gotta druel sometimes when i see them) and it isnt the standard controls either which, like i said, arent boring, its the online play and virtually hanging out with friends. yeah sure there are a lot of normal, redundant, un-imaginative titles out there but there are some you just cant beat. for example, cod4 is probably the best online game out there. it isnt just a shoot em up like halo or haze. its really a game that requires thinking and teamwork. eventhough the wii has the most creative and inovative games around i think i would much rather talk to friends and have fun doing that any time i want. dont get me wrong, i love my wii with a passion and mario galaxy is my personal favorite game of all time but i can only play that and metroid and smash bros so much. with online you never get tired and the kicks are always there.
but anyway, back to the real purpose of the blog. capcom will make re5 for the wii. they have no reason not to. resident evil and the wii were made for eachother and capcom wont let this opportunity slip. i am fully confident that re5 will come out on wii and that us fans will make it a smash hit. ill be patiently waiting and keep myself occupied with cod4, mgs4, and force unleashed when that comes out.
i dont think ive said anything too out of the question. i just say it like i see it.
and adding to my comment above the ps3 has the best blue-ray player around. so that with the FREE online and games and web browser, its definitely worth $500. you definitely get a better deal with the ps3 than the 360. but, then again, the wii at $250 is more than worth it.
The wii's a stupid gayy toy thats onley 4 kidz It haz az much pwer as the ps1 go buy a real sistm!
That's my impression of 360/ps3 fanboys:pretty accurate,huh?
Yes Walter that is a pretty accurate description (Ha). To the anonymous above, I do respect your opinion and appreciate what you are trying to say. And I agree with alot of it. One, standard controllers are not always boring. But I have to ask, since you say Prime & Brawl can only keep you entertained for so long, before you get bored with them, isn't that inherent of all games? Even cod4 gets boring after awhile right? Also I hear alot about 360& PS3 having more quality titles? but what are they? I feel they have more mediocre titles and Wii has more shovelware, but quality? I'd say they are all pretty even.
I've been playing videogames for real since Atari 2600 lol. And have memories of intelevision and coleco vision. The gamepad controllers have been the standard for very very long. And it is time for a change. Nintendo deserves respect for the fact that they have always trailblazed this industry. Shoulder buttons, control pads, rumble paks. The list just goes on. While I don't think "boring" is the right word for standard controllers I think "tired" would better describe my feelings of them. Understand that if Wii didn't come out what would next gen consoles look like? how much further would graphics be pushed? And would we still be playing games with a ps2 controller? All I am saying is RE5 with Wii controls would truly be the next gen experience.
I agree with eveything arius dion said;and I actually prefer the old gamecube controller for FPSs,but for me,the wii remote will always be best for RE4-style games.That being said,graphics are like the last thing on my list of what makes games great.However,the wii version of RE5 would stil look amazing on wii.
im the same anonymous as above and to answer your one question: NO cod4 never gets boring. if it didnt have online then yeah i would have traded it in after two days. what i agree with everything else you said though. i absolutely love what the wii is doing to gaming. it practically opened up the box for everyone and the potential is limitless. already the wii has let out some of the best games i have ever played and probably ever will play. all im saying is that there is no problem with having a wii AND ps3. i enjoy both of them pretty much the same and both systems have crappy games and both systems have sweet games, the wii ones are better by a mile, the systems each make up for eachother where they lack and thats what i love. there is nothing like a brand new nintendo title thats so imaginative and fresh that i replay the game over and over. but also, there is nothing like playing with friends online and talking and showing off your skills. online makes any game fun, even UNO. dont call me a fanboy because i enjoy all my systems and play everything across the spectrum.
and to walter88:
my impression of a wii "fanboy"- the wii is just so much better than everything else i mean the controls are just so great and imaginative and all other systems are soooo redundant. everyone of all ages can play the wii and if you like playing your other systems you lack imagination.
shut your mouth walter88 there arent any ultimate systems out this generation.
God!.I'm Just saying that because of all the "the wii's for fags",or the ever popular "the wii's for kids and senior citizens" crap I've been getting everywhere.I miss the good old days when people could own whatever console they want without being labeled as a minority!.EVERYWHERE I TURN SOMEONES ALWAYS JUDGING ME FOR LIKING THE WII!,and while I agree about their being no "ultimate console",I have never known anything but hate from PS3 owners,and you're NOT helping!.I believe that EVERYONE deserves to be playing this game,HD or no!.You're with me,right arius dion?
i agree with some of the people above. the wii is great but there is no problem with having another system along side it. the wii is cheap enough to have with another system. i have a 360 (should have got a ps3 instead) and a wii and play them both a lot. i will say that i play the 360 more often than my wii ONLY because of the online, not for the graphics or other games whatever else. the wii definitely has better titles though and there are enough to keep me busy. i mean the wii port of okami was genious. anyway, re5 will come out on wii, what tells you that it wont? metaldave laid it all out nicely and i bet theyre working on a wii port right as we speak.
hahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaha walter88 there is no need to get so defensive. you are over-exadurating. besides, you wouldnt have to worry about getting "judged" if you didnt judge everyone else that had a ps3 or 360. and you shouldnt criticize the ps3/360 if you dont actually own one. they'remore fun than you like to think. so yeah, the wii is the best for you because you havent spent some quality down time with the other systems.
and after reading all the posts no one has condemned the wii or their owners on this blog and no one has been opposed to re5 coming out on wii. even the ps3/360 owners would rather have it on wii. and im with them. re5 is going to be a wii game. so you can calm down and youll get your chance to play.
haha that was a little over the top,especially for a video game blog but oh well. im going to go check out my pokemon ranch. PEACE
This "I'm being judged for liking the Wii" stuff is news to me. Everyone seems to like the Wii, ranging from the hardcore to the casual it's really a system that is hard not to like(PS3 fanboys excluded).
Third party developers seem to be the only ones that have a real problem with the Wii and they are the ones that are painting this picture of what the Wii is and pigeon holing it as a "kiddy" or "un-hardcore" console.
Like I said before WiiPC is the real hardcore gamer way to go. You get all the graphics you want and all the fun you want. I never have a problem going from playing a game like Mass Effect on PC to playing Mario Kart Wii. I'm getting the best of both worlds. It's a shame that the PC is going downhill in gaming and hopefully StarCraft 2 can bring new life into the genre.
Retards.Wii could never handle rE5!.Go play your super fag brothers!
I'm with MetalDave on that one. I think third parties have tried to marginalize the Wii as much as or more than any fanboy could. I'm also with ya Walter for wanting the this game on the Wii. But as the anonymous said even many owners of the other systems want this game on Wii as well. We will see what happens, apparently Capcom have something up their sleevesas they have made some recent statements regarding Wii and third party support. But I also think the dude saying "play your super fag brothers" is a case in point to what Walter is describing.
hahaha i bet walter88 posted that anonymous comment above to prove his point hahahaha no one says that hahahahha
i havent seen any ps3 "fanboy" posts on here. they just have ps3's and enjoy them as much as they do thier wii. im not gonna lie, the only "fanboys" ive read here are wii "fanboys".
anyway i like my wii and my ps3 and my sega dreamcast. I AINT NO FANBOY OF EITHER SYSTEM. so you guys can stop trying to make ps3 owners look like haters just because they play it and the wii. i think you guys are just haters against everyone that doesnt have a wii. eh, eh? see how i turned it around like that? you didnt like it did you?
Yeah, I din't think RE4 was that hot, well besides graphic wise. I play the RE1 remake more than I play RE4. RE4 lost the sense of survival horror and went to the run-n-gun action style (i.e. 1GUNFIGHT! 2Quiet movement with an action button phase 3GUNFIGHT! 4 BAD STORYLINE MOMENT (C'mon T-virus = 10x better than las plagas) 5Repeat. In RE1-3 I was walking around with two bullets thinking, 'dang man, if I go through that door and there's a zombie, I'm screwed!' Sure the opponents in the originals may not have been super AI, but the *ahem* 'genius' AI of RE4 was waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy to easy. Shoot at them, run, watch the whole group follow you in the same general line. Plus, I never experienced an ammo shortage, even on the hardest level. RE1-3 Ammo was a requirement for boss fights and therefore, must be conserved. RE4 = BLOW THE S*** OUT OF EVERYTHING...YOU LIVE ANYWAY UNLESS YOU PLAY LIKE A TWO YEAR OLD! Anyway, to sum this up...no system deserves RE5, it's just going to be another run-n-gun crapfest. May a pox be upon Capcom for ruining the genre that they themselves started.
Go to youtube and search "Resident evil 5 wii".Go through some of the comments.You'll see what I mean.What really matters here is that we All want this game on wii(with the exception of the anonymus above).I will admit that I started this irellevat conversation,but now I'm gonna stop it.We are all after the same thing here!.
Downporting from 512MB of internal memory to 80MB doesn't seem to easy to me!
If they'd release RE4 with RE5 content I would be happy. But, they should implement at least bumpmapping and light reflections on shiny surfaces and characters to NOT make it look like a GC title. Besides I would reconcider a purchase if it wouldn't have at least XBOX++ graphics.
i really like my wii and my pc but there is just one HUGE problem with the wii that nintendo was retarded for overlooking. memory. before i could download final fantasy i had to go out and buy an sd card to put all my other stuff on and if i want to play it again i have to download it back. thats just stupid. i cant believe nintendo didnt give the wii even 1gb of memory. other than that the system is practically flawless...well, besides the online. i think the wii has more to offer than anything else. i hope nintendo lets out an update that combines internal and sd memory so i dont have to keep downloading and re-downloading.
guys, y the hell r ppl saying: i'll just get it for the PS3 la de da'. sorry but i dnt have £500 to spend freely on sony's overpriced box. if im a fan, i shud be reconised as 1 by capcom... i shouldnt have 2 buy myself into it. yes wii has some games that are questionable, wii has the most jems tho, games that u have to find by yourself and thats rewarding. RE is 1 of capcoms head games, has capcom been with nintendo since pretty mch the start? YES! y sell out now? sorry every1, im staying with wii with the die hards, i demand RE for the wii. if u own a wii or love RE...stand witht the rest of us and DEMAND IT for the ppl that might have turned their back on us!
Peace Walter88, im with you man!
Sweet!.Good to know so many people have my back.RE5 on the wii would rock more than the other two.And in my opinion,PS brand has always had the worst controllera ever.But I digress.The thought of playing RE4 and RE5 on the same console,with kick-ass controlls just makes me drool!.Guess I shouldn't do that over the keyboard.As a last resort,I'd buy it for the 360,but it just wouldn't be the same.By the way,Jay,I have an account on YouTube,where i started a group about third party games for the wii.You're welcome to join my group.My account name is Walterthe88th.Check it out if you have the time!
awesome walter88, yea man i've checked out ur site, pretty sweet, i dnt use my account tht often bt if u accept my friend thing thn we can chat,i donno how to join ur group tho man lol help me out whn u accepted me. im under zeppelinrules69! also...i've herd that RE5 might b on the DS! not a reliable sourse bt still something to look into. bt i do grow confident that we will see it on the wii, with us making a fuss and they realise wot they can get from RE5, thy will come round...they better!
Jay, I agree with basically all you've said. And Walter As I've said before I think its a slap in the face for sony to release 3 consoles with the same controller, that is pitiful. Also apparently Capcom have something big planned for the Wii have you heard that yet MetalDave? We may get our game after all.
On another note I just wanna say something about these game reviews lately. I remember a time when a 10was as rare as an intelligent hot chick. Now its as if reviewers are just pulling em out their a$$e$. It is to the point where I cant trust them anymore.
Yes I've heard the statement from one of the reps from Capcom saying that "A fan favorite" is coming and that Spyborgs was obviously not that game. As long as it's Resident Evil-something with RE4 Wii controls I think we all will be extremely happy.
Where'd you hear that?,could I get a link?
Here you go:
There are more links within the link provided.
Factor 5 wold be the perfect 3rd party to deal with re5 on wii, since they know of the wii's graphic power.
Thanks.And for once it isn't an extremely long one!.I'll be sure to check it out!
Can someone give me a link to a site that says something about the TEV unit?
the wii controls are cool and all but that is the ONLY thing the wii has going for it. the wii is a cheap piece of crap and the only reason wii is getting more money is because of people with little kids and its cheap since nintendo left a ton of stuff off of it. the wii is cheap. yeah, sure it has some cool games, but after i beat them it just sits and collects dust. wii games have no replay value(except mabye brawl). i must say that the virtual console library is awesome but the wii doesnt even have 1GB of memory!!!! and it is a huge pain in the A$$ to download and re-download from sd cards. the graphics really arent a huge jump from last gen and the lack of online is unexcusable. you cant even talk or send messages...cheap. there is no dvd player or cd player on the wii, a standard since last gen. nobody can tell me that when they get a wii game they just play it and play it forever because they dont. once you beat a wii game it just sits on the shelf. atleast i can get my money's worth out of my ps3 games. i can play online and have fun with friends and i enjoy games that ive bought a year ago. there is nothing to do after you beat mario galaxy or metroid and there arent too many good titles out there choose from. and the only reason anyone says that the ps3 controller sucks is because they never owned a sony system. so while the wii is fun(for a while) its a cheap system covered up by coool looking controls that just flat out suck half the time all wrapped up into a white little box. there is no excuse for there being just a little more than 500MB of memory. now im not saying im against having re5 on the wii, in fact, i would rather play it on wii than any other system (re4 was so freakin tight) all im saying is that is pisses me off when i read posts about wii fanboys dissing the other systems because "they lack imagination" or "theyre too expensive." none of the systems lack imagination and the ps3 is well worth $400 seeing all the stuff it comes with. (best blue ray player around, web browser, free online, and a REAL hard drive) hate to break it to you guys but the wii is no where near as good as you all praise it to be. im not saying the ps3 or 360 are perfect but theyre a lot closer than the wii is to being perfect. and i already know im going to get a bunch of hate posts in reply for saying all this but its the truth. and then metaldave is going to come in and say "pc is better than 360 and ps3!!" well i agree, somewhat, the graphics are AMAZING on an lcd monitor. but not too many of my friends play pc, outside of lord of the rings:shadow of angmar. sorry if i pissed some of you off im just saying that the wii is kind of cheap, which when you think about it, it really is. but i would still rather have re5 for the wii, then after i unlock everything it'll just sit on the shelf with all of my other forgotten games.
You know I don't get pist off hearing negative things about the Wii. Mainly because I don't get money from nintendo profits they make. But what is surprising to me though is this idea that games on other systems have this incredible replay value that Wii games lack. That is as much unfair as it is untrue. As for Cd/DvD players being standard since last gen..that depends on who you are talking about Nintendo has never provided any other medium than being able to play games on their systems. Understand I am a fan of Video Games, but there was a VideoGame crash in the 80's for a reason, and history was on the verge of repeating itself. Wii is not perfect, No fan of Wii would say it is, but saying other systems are closer to perfect is 100% opinion. I mean honestly, Sony has had the same controller for 3 generations, that's pitiful. Wii is doing what NES did, which is changing the industry, some would even say saving the industry. Another poster here mentioned how Wii has the most shovelware but the most gems. I'd agree with that opinion. There is a reason Wii is #1 world wide. That is a fact. I suppose most everything else I said is 100% opinion.
has anyone heard anythin? Even clues on it coming to wii? Possible e3 announcement?
Capcom has announced something for the wii.I hope it's RE5...
As much fun as bio5 would be on wii,it's only capable of ps2 graphics.Go buy a ps3
the wii's max graphical capability exceeds ps2, so if they make RE5 with those graphics, a ps2 port would be outta the question.
Ha Ha Ha.What have you been smoking,dude?.The wii is several times as powerful as the PS2.And RE5 would be best on wii.
If anybody is looking to discuss RE5 for Wii further come to this forum here: http://re5wii.forumcircle.com/
Let's have some fun.
now i dont mean to go off subject but this is going to the post that josh sent earlier. i dont mean to side with him either but he did have a couple of points. 1-the wii only has 500mb of memory and that really is just stupid and cheap on nintendo's part. im actually out of memory right now and i have to go out and buy an sd card. 2-wii games dont have as much replay value as games on other systems. now as controversial as that statement is, it is kinda true. i mean, can anyone here tell me of a single wii game that they own that they have played A LOT, like every day, since theyve bought it? every wii game that ive ever played has gotten really boring after i beat it and is now just sitting under my bed. and i have bought every game that gameinformer and ign has given and 8.5 and higher and i just cant keep playing any of those games. the only game that i do whip out from time to time is smash bros but thats about it. i have a whole pile of x box games that i still play everyday and i got those games over a year ago. i guess its the online that makes replay value. in any case that josh guy was a fanboy butthole who fails to see the wii in a positive light. and if anyone can tell me of a wii game thay they just play non-stop tell me please!!!!!!!
Dont get me wrong I do like my wii but I think the only reason its selling better than everyone else is because it looks like wicked awesome fun on the comercials. Come on, they even make wii fit look fun. I dont mean to hate, but I cant think of a single wii game that ive played in abundance since I bought it. Anyway, there is no reason for re5 not to come out on wii. Didnt re4 sell more on wii than on gc? That alone should give capcom the good ol' hintaroo to make a wii port of re5. That way I can have a wii game that I can play for more than a week! I am fully confident that re5 will come out on wii, dont you worry my friends.
hahahahahahahhahahhahaha, walter88 you are a comedic genious.
Ha Ha Ha.What have you been smoking,dude?.The wii is several times as powerful as the PS2.And RE5 would be best on wii.
The wii is several times AS powerful as ps2???? hahahaha thats rich I think you should replace AS with MORE hahahahahahahaha....sorry this post was un-called for.
I still play RE4:wii religiously.
Billy B is right. Why should we worry about re5 wii? Its going to come out. I will cut off my left nut if it doesnt. But what i do hope is that the graphics will atleast be a sizeable step up from re4 and that there will mabye be more of a horror factor to the game instead of the shoot and run factor that re4 had. Anyway there is no reason to worry because capcom is probably having a secret conference meeting right now about how the wii version is going to be so much cooler. And if a wii version doenst come out then i guess ill be missing a left nut and a precious wii game. Great wii titles seem to be in short supply now-a-days.
You still play re4 "religiously"??? Dude, either you are full of crap or you have no life or you suck at the game and havent unlocked everything yet. Re4 was a great game and even more of a masterpiece on the wii but you are the only person ive heard of still playing it. I'll admit i couldnt put the game down when i bought it but once everything was said and done there was nothing to do. So, tell me, any other wii games that anyone plays "religiously?"
I just want to reply to Arios Dion way above. First of all you said that it was a slap in the face for sony to releas the same controller 3 times in a row? The controller is fine and doesnt need any drastic changes. And there have been gradual changes to the controller anyway, like two extra bumpers and then 6-axis.(which works awesome when doing free throws on NCAA) The reason sony released similar controllers the last 3 generations is for the people who have stuck with sony since the psx. There were never complaints about its design and sony wanted to keep loyal cusomers happy with a classic design. They set the 2-toggle stick standard and x-box completely stole their controller design off of sony. And then you said something about how 10's are thrown around freely. For that it mostly depends on what site your checking. IGN and gameinformer seem to be the most trustworthy game reviewers that i know of. And the games that they did give 10's to were pretty much flawless. Ive bought and beat every one of them and agree that they deserved 10. for example: gta4, mgs4, cod4, bioshock, and twilight princess. Those were some of the greatest games i have ever played in my life and ive been gaming since NES. The reason that there are more 10's now-a-days than in the good ol' ocarina days is because so many games are being made and the industry is dotted with veteren and fresh game developers all with great ideas and new means of presenting them. Games should be given 10's based on their perfection not given a 9.5 because another game got a 10 a few weeks earlier. I will admit that gameinformer is a little more loose whith thier scoring than IGN but i can still trust both of them when it comes to knowing whether or not to buy a good game.
Hey Walter and Metaldave, I recently seen RE5 in motion in newly released videos on IGN. The animation is spot on to RE4 obviously with more polish, M.Dave the article you wrote on this a while back was on the money. This video did not impress me in that it wouldn't be possible on the Wii. The game is kick ass though, however seeing the aiming dynamics its so...slow! Wii mote will be so much smoother and so much better.
Mr.Cox? is it? No one is gonna agree 100% of the time, and I respect your opinion. But let me further explain my comments. Imagine if Nintendo released the SNES controller with the N64, there would be no progression made, sony has never innovated anything in the videogame industry, they've always stood on the shoulders of Nintendo. Six Axis is a joke, and lets be real it was included as a way to include motion sensor to their product after Nintendo revealed the revolution. As for the games getting 10's that is an opinion, sometimes I don't share the same opinion as IGN or any other site. I refuse to give a 10 to any of those games you mentioned INCLUDING Twilight Princess. GTAiv is no way in hell a 10 it is the most over rated game since halo 3. MGS4 is a movie with intermision gameplay parts. COD4 is a great game, bioshock....not my cup of tea. Without innovation there comes stagnation. And stagnation is death in this industry. If imitation is the highest form of flattery than sony and m$ must really reallly love Nintendo.
I think that it could be done.
Resident evil 4 is doing great in sales for the Wii. And they will probably continue to do so. Even if the graphics are downgraded a little and playing it on the Wii is a little different, that's no reason to not put it on the Wii.
I'm pretty sure it will come to the Wii though. Plus, they've pulled this shit before. They said RE4 would be exclusivly for the GC. But, they put it on the PS2. And THEN, they put it on the Wii where it is skyrocketing in sales.
So I think there is a good chance it will come to the Wii.
Nice commment,AriusDion!
I just read every single post on this blog and have thought about things that I have never thought of before concerning the gaming industry. I've always liked every game system I ever owned and after reading all of these I don't know who to side with. We have the ps3 freaks and the wii freaks fighting eachother haha. Like I said I don't know who to side with because I love my ps3 and my wii. They both offer different things that the other lacks and I get maximum enjoyment from that. I don't see what the big deal is going from Mario Galaxy to MGS4 and playing everything the industry has to offer. I get it, the ps3 is REALLY expensive and I can't believe my parents got me that AND a wii. But I won't say that the ps3 is overpriced though. It comes with a ton of way cool stuff that keeps me content. The wii is cool because it's basically, well, a real game system. Nothing extra, just gaming. Now thats hardcore. Nintendo is keeping the gaming industry from becoming an expensive passtime. But, I think I play my wii and ps3 about the same amount. And there isn't anything wrong with having just a wii or just a ps3. It all depends on what floats your boat and no system should be condemned, not even the 360 haha. I can't believe I got the red ring of death and two ruined disks in one day!!! Sorry. Well, I think everyone has made a good point and that sony and nintendo lovers can agree on one thing...RESIDENT EVIL RULES! After all, hasn't Resident Evil been with both of them since the beginning? I will say though, and I think I speak for most ps3 owners as well, that RE5 will be best implemented on the wii, end of story. Iv'e played and beat every Resident Evil either on the ps1 or the n64 or the gamecube and I will say that re4 wii edition takes the cake. I have never played a game like it and apparently a bajillion other buyers feel the same way. Sorry if I wrote too much, but this was something that really interested me and I respect both my game systems too much to let this opportunity pass. The only thing I am going to call out though is that mgs4 totally deserved a 10 and people who say it's a movie split up by intermittent game play is a stereotypical opinion of someone who A- can't follow the superb story line or B- hasn't played Metal Gear before.
Or C- Played the game and didn't think it was all it was hyped up to be.
You want a reason? For what why its not a 10? I don't believe I said any of those games were bad, just not 10's. I thought Twilight Princess was very good just not as good ass Ocarina of Time (my personal GOAT) MGS4 is very good but I liked the first one better. GTA is an overrated game just like Halo 3, Halo wasn't a bad game just over rated. And now I'm an Idiot for voicing my opinion? Grow up. I'm not gonna call you an idiot for liking GTA IV. Glitches, and the attempt to make GTA alilttle too realistic kept me from liking the game as much as san andreas which was fun. Just because something is new doesn't mean its better than the original. Glad to be considered the "Mighty Knowit All" I def had to laugh at that.
I'm not sucking up to anyone.The only reasons I agree with AriusDion is because I agree with him.
I agree with what Ariua Dion; just because a game is a sequel, it doesn't mean it is better than the originals.
Twilight Princess is by far my least favorite 3-D Zelda. It wasn't bad, but the originals were way better.
GTA IV is a disgrace to the GTA series. GTA 3 was good, Vice City was better, and San Andreas was incredible, but GTA IV lies in between GTA 3 and Vice City.
Now, I thought MGS4 was great, but it did not deserve a 10. I played the first 2 acts, and I couldn't believe how good this game was, until I hit acts 3-5. Acts 3-5 for me was more of a chore than a game. Acts 3-5 were very boring and did not appeal to me much at all. MGS4 was sorta like GTA IV, but not as bad as it. Here is my scale for the MGS series: MGS 1 was good for it's time, but does not compare to today's standards, but the GCN version was much better, and it still compares to modern MGS's. MGS 2 I haven't played in a while, but it's about as good as MGS 1 for GCN. MGS 3 was the best one. MGS4 was going in the right direction, but then it failed terribly towards the end. It is probably between MGS 2 and MGS3.
As for Halo 3, it was not nearly as good as Halo 2.
Sometimes the classics are just better....but, in the case of Elder Scrolls, Oblivion comes out on top. Yet, for some reason, Oblivion has a lower rating than GTA IV; there is no way GTA IV even comes close to Oblivion.
As for RE, out of the first 3, I'd say RE 1 is the best, RE 2 is second, and RE 3 is third, but they were all great games. RE 4 was my personal favorite, and one of the few games that actually deserve a 10.
RE:UC did not appeal to me that much. In my book, the game gets a 5/10, but that's not to say it is a bad game. REUC was definitely one of the best arcade shooters out there, but the thing is, arcade shooters are a thing of the past. This should have been like the other Resident Evil games, not some spin-off. However, I liked the fact that it explained a lot of unanswered questions. I rented this game once, but I will not buy it, so I'm sorry to say that I am not supporting the RE5 for Wii movement as much as I'd like to. I did not buy RE4 Wii edition either, because I already have it for GCN and I don't have 50$ lying around...However, I did sign the petition, and I do believe that the Wii will eventually see RE5.
ok guys look u have to think little the ppl at capcom had to make an entirely new game engin for RE5 that pushes the pwr of the 360 and most of the ps3 prosesing pwr which the wii doesnt have the only reason the wii RE4 was able to come out is because it was a ps2 and gamecube game and i dont know if u know this but they still but wii games on normal DVDs while 360 is on HD DVD and ps3 is on blueray DVD which both make for more storage for the games leangth and gameplay but look im not saying its not gonna happen just be reasonable it wont be for awhile after RE5 comes out for ps3 and 360
ok guys look u have to think little the ppl at capcom had to make an entirely new game engin for RE5 that pushes the pwr of the 360 and most of the ps3 prosesing pwr which the wii doesnt have the only reason the wii RE4 was able to come out is because it was a ps2 and gamecube game and i dont know if u know this but they still but wii games on normal DVDs while 360 is on HD DVD and ps3 is on blueray DVD which both make for more storage for the games leangth and gameplay but look im not saying its not gonna happen just be reasonable it wont be for awhile after RE5 comes out for ps3 and 360
i think its funny how people always compare the wii and its capabilities to the last generation of consoles....losers
To the poster above, the 360 does not use an HD-DVD drive for the game media. It has a add-on HD-DVD drive for movies but thats all.
To the anonymous right above me:
Your'e an idiot he was talking about the type of disk each system uses and the blue-ray disk holds a lot more. And I'm pretty sure that no one has bought a HD add on for their x-box since Toshiba sold out.
I know millions of people would buy re5 for wii even if it doesnt have graphics like the ps3 or xbox360
re5 is gonna suck. seriously. re4 was good and all but i really got bored replaying that game on the unlocked hardest difficulty. re4 isnt even scary. the ai arent very bright. ive actually had more fun re-playing the first 3 resident evils and re zero for gamecube. because all you do in re4 is run through the area, wait for the retards to start WALKING at you in a straight line, and then pull off about 40 headshots in a row. and you pretty much do that over and over again till you beat the game. and i still dont remember running out of ammo once in re4. in the others thats what kept up the suspence and horror and kept me on the edge of my seat. re4 is an okay shooter but i dont think it really deserves the name resident evil and re5 is gonna be exactly the same. capcom should go back to the way they did things in the 90's and make a REAL horror game.
i hear you jim. re4 sucked. but, it was a little better on wii. re5 is gonna suck and its gonna be a boring replay of re4. i want capcom to go back to resident evil games that dont focus completely on shooting. because nothing is scary when you have a shotgun with 8000 rounds left.
also, i think people should pressure more on capcom making another viewtiful joe than having them waste time on porting re5.
Nobody knows if a ported version of RE5 will be rubbish. In a separate case, Splinter cell double agent was ported onto wii, after graphically superior versions were made for PC and Xbox. I enjoyed playing double agent on the wii and I would buy RE5 on the wii, not for the graphics, but for what the gameplay will be like, because if it's anything like it was on RE4, it will be one the best games of the year no matter how bad it's graphics are in comparison. Also the wii is selling really well, and if capcom see the chance to make a profit out of porting RE5 then they will do it sooner or later.
Yes the PS3 and 360 can blow the Wii to hell and back but I don't see why they can't make Resi5 for the wii considering how good the graphics were on Resi4 for the GC
Anon, Double Agent has two versions out. The XBOX, PS2 has a less graphic intense version and the 360/PC has a much more power hungry version (played both). I'm guessing the Wii has the original XBOX port
Every RE game is available on a Nintendo platform. Not haveing RE5 on the wii makes no sense. In reading the comments above I have realized that most fans of the wii are like me. Who cares about superior graphics. When you think about it, gameplay is most important. A shiny new look for a game will appeal to simpletons. Although, intense graphics do add a little to the gaming experience, I still enjoy playing Super Mario Bros. for the NES. Another thing that I see a lot on the topic is that people underestimate the wii. If it can run RE4, RE5 will work and nobody in the right state of mind will complain. Guitar Hero World Tour for example. I recently brought the wii version to my friends house for a party and it was the most played game. Most people said that they couldn't wait to get their hands on their own copy. Somebody finally did get a 360 version and the graphics are much better. But guesse what? It is the same game.
Here is a little something about RE4. The GC version is apparently the hardest. Your weapons are weaker, causing you to have to shoot more. There are more ganados, even more bullets. And Ashley does not get that cheap suit of armour.
We can all agree that no wii port is an idiotic idea. A wii port will happen.
I really hope that a version of RE5 comes out for the Wii.... Please guys, make it happen. I don't want to wait until I eventually buy an xbox 360 or a PS3 to play this game... because that might never happen...
Well it will have a Very Very Very large chance if they saw Voltage Software,s engine "quantum3" . They are using it for the game "The Conduit". and i has the same graphics as "Halo 3".Seriously it looks like a 360 game ! and it,s not realeased yet ! Check it out ! If Capcom sees this game it will maybe higher the chances for a Wii Edition.
Damn i hope that RE5 is released for the wii. i agree with most everyone when they say - it would be dumb to not release it! RE4 was great on the wii! I also wanted to say that i hate the new zombie games for the wii - like house of the dead overkill, god that game sucks, it is not even comparable to RE4!
ya know, Xbox 360 came out before Wii and wii came out after Xbox 360, so if they can get resident evil 5 to work on Xbox 360 then there’s no reason why resident evil 5 can’t be done on wii.
"so if they can get resident evil 5 to work on Xbox 360 then there’s no reason why resident evil 5 can’t be done on wii."
...except for maybe the fact that the Wii only has 1/3 of the Xbox 360 processing power.
By all means.Port it.
For the sake satisfying all 3rd console gamers.The one thing I hate about Capcom is it's decision to split all games into diffrent consoles for the sake of making profits.Thus making the collections for the RE series albeit harder and the fact that 360gamers are constantly taking away the good stuffs from us and asking us (Wii gamers)to give them the good stuff is definitely wrong.I have heard about people saying how hard it'd be for RE5 to be ported onto Wii.Due to its high graphics,but I don't see why that it isn't possible.It's just hard,and they don't wanna go through the troube of getting it done not to mention that money's involved too.But with a little more effort and willingness to port it,it may as well be one of the top selling games on Wii.So by all means,and behalf of all the countries' wii gamers,I say PLEASE PORT IT !
I want it on the wii now! Capcom can screw themselves if they don't port it to the wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really hope they give us RE5 on Wii. I can understand waiting a year or so after the 1st release though, so people don't stop buying the other platforms. More sales for them. I'm willing to wait a year as long as I know it will really happen!!!
Come on resident evil 5 will be awsome on the wii
I want it now!!! I've played RE4 like 6 times so far, I want to change a bit and blow off some new heads!
Games like this should be on multi consoles
In all honest opinion, I do not think it will happen. blah blah blah... (just kept short, we all know.)
that cause your a nobody =O
RE5 on the Wii would be the best thing ever. since thats so obvious Capcom could be working on RE5 Wii and hopefully will release RE5 Wii around Christmas so the sales would be 10 times better than they would already be.
They should just make an RE game compilation consisting of RE1 to RE5 using the RE4 engine. When that comes out for like 80 bucks, that'll show Microsoft and Sony!
Just saying.
i have re5 for the 360 and if they released it for the wi i would buy it at mid night! i mean its hella fun on the 360..but imagine how much more fun it will be with a wii remote! they should just use the re4 engine and i would be happy with that
Come on Capcom! I'm getting really impatient now, just bring it out on the Wii! I'm not buying the Ps3 or whatever just to play on it!
Do they not realise how cool it would be? They'd be rolling in it for starters! And the gameplay would be super-amazing!
i like this, the articles thang bro,
nice info
There are way more reasons that not only it can still be coming, but it should.
In an interview with Kawata last year following the release of RE: Darkside Chronicles (which included the amazing-looking South American stage that looked very similar to-and just as good as- the sub-Saharan African setting in RE5), he said:
"...Cavia has surprised us with the quality of graphics in Darkside Chronicles, so [RE5 Wii] may actually be possible after all."
Even if a direct port wouldn't work,
"Hypothetically speaking, the Resident Evil 4 engine would work perfectly for replicating the gameplay..."
In an interview with (i believe it was Jun Takeuchi, the producer, I'm not sure though), he said that it would depend on the sales of RE4 and Umbrella Chronicles. Well, RE4 has sold about 1.75 million copies on Wii alone, and UC about 1.39 mil (both stats taken from VGChartz.com). Out of those 1.75 to 3+ million people (1.75 if everyone who bought RE:UC also bought RE4- that's a minimum), over 63,000 have also signed a petition in support of bringing RE5 to Wii- more probably would sign too, if they knew about it. I think that would be enough that Capcom would make a decent profit off RE5WE... And don't bring up the bad sales of Darkside Chronicles, that doesn't prove that Wii owners don't want "mature" games, it proves that Wii owners don't want to get rail-shooter adaptations where they can't control their movement, while PS3 and 360 get full-fledged, fully-working games (not that I'm totally against rail-shooters, I loved both RE chronicles games and Dead Space Extraction- but in comparison with RE5 and the original Dead Space, they're just weak).
Also, Capcom's MT Framework engine has been ported to Wii, the same engine used to make RE5. Now that MT works on Wii, it should be even easier than what Kawata previously thought, about using the RE4 engine- they can use the assets from their Mt Framework files, making the whole thing much more work-and-cost-efficient.
As for the argument that "it requires a much different process to develeop for the Wii as it does for 360 and PS3", that argument's gone out the window. With RE5 being re-re-re-released for PS3 with support for Sony's Wiimote ripoff, it would be quite easy to just adapt the controls from that (heck, "Move" is so derivitive of Wiimote that the controls wouldn't change at all).
It would be much easier to port it to Wii than originally thought- Capcom could adapt the control scheme from the PS3 "alternative edition" that will soon see a release in the States, in MT framework which now works on Wii, and possibly just have it run in 480p without having to downgrade graphics much (or at all), because Darkside Chronicles has proven that Wii can do stellar graphics without HD support.
With all of this- including the early statement which basically said "if RE4 and UC sell well [they did] we will give you RE5", a promise which has yet to be fulfilled (They told us that the consumers would decide for them, by voting with their dollars, so to speak, and buying RE4 and UC. they did), WHY are we still getting statements saying "Capcom hasn't decided yet"? I'm not asking whether or not it will happen- I'm asking why it hasn't happened yet.
i really wanan play re5 on wii, i really do plz capcom make wii version of resident evil 5 so that everyone wont think that the wii is kidish so plz make re5 on wii, i i beg u, ill tel everyone i know that has wii to buy the game so one thousand times, plz make the game.
Meh for some reason I don't think this is gonna happen :(
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