“(Referring to Resident Evil 5 on Wii) We haven’t decided [sic] to offer it or not.” - Capcom statement
“Up until now, after releasing our PS3 and Xbox 360 games, we have brought them to the Wii. Basically, this is the approach we are considering taking.”
Link and Link
It sounds to me that Capcom is just waiting for Resident Evil 5 to reach a little more saturation on 360 and PS3 before announcing the Wii version. Now just get rid of the forced Co-op and make it a more balanced game and we'll be in businessCapcom.
would we really want it now its just res evil 4 re hash in a new setting and i agree the co-op is just generic crap tacked onto the game.. its supposed to be a lonely strange horror experience not a shoot um up with friends, AND PS3 X360 FANS CALL THEM SELFS CORE UTTER CRAP, if they were core they would pick res evil 4 wii edition not wait for a weak copy with out dated controls THAT SIMPLE IS NOT CORE ITS DUM.....
i used to want it on wii but after playing it on 360 it dissapointed the hell out of me capcom is better off actually making a RE game specifically for wii.
Make it more like the E3 07 trailer and restore horror by tweaking the setting from day to night and make use of lighting and dynamic shadows the sort seen in Luigis Mansion and the sort we will no doubt see in Silent hill Homecoming. A few returning enemies would help to, like bring back the Hunters and maybe a Tyrant.
Dead Rising isn't a very good start mind, the 360 original is like GTA with Zelda: Majora Masks time management and CTYD made no attempt to be like that or even RE4 lacking that games set piece action. If they ever decide to do Dead Rising 2 on wii I would want it to be as close to the original as possible even having a hundred zombies spread scattered along a stretch your running across would make it authentic enough. Spartan Total Warrior managed to have 150-180 AI characters and had alot going on screen in that game.
I just hope they put a lot of time and effort in porting it over to the wii unlike they did with Dead Rising.
I also would like to see the new Alien vs Predator game for wii.
I'd prefer a return to the original atmosphere of Resident Evil, more in tune with the first 2 games. I'm tired of all this martial arts, slow motion, black trenchcoal/awesome sunglasses crap. I'm not sure if I can blame the movies for this stuff, since I can't pinpoint what game this started in, but they certainly didn't help (absolutely hated the movies).
Sidenote, I played the PS3 version of the game, and while it was kind of entertaining, I found the controls to be atrocious. Moving back and forward with one analog while turning with the other is a wildly silly idea in my opinion.
I hope they change their minds about bringing this to wii cause that game was a disgrace to the whole franchise.
Seeing as I'm the only one in this blog who seemingly played Resident Evil 5, I couldn't care less.
plain and simple do RE6 for wii and RE7 for 360/ps3 that way CAPCOM will be giving us wii owners and 360/ps3 owners a HARDCORE RE then KEEP RE7 like RE5 but with better graphics and same rubbish controls because 360/ps3 owners can easily be fooled with nice graphics poor gameplay as for RE6 on wii well think RE4 graphics times 3 wow remember 500 million polygons to play with 4-5 times memory on textures come on capcom stop being scared of showing true potential of Wii we should be seeing 360 graphics in 480p by now not enough comitment from CAPCOM
I'm a Nintendude and all but I bought an Xbox 360 just for this game (and Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie), and I'm very happy with it, it's amazing!
It would be nice to see it get a release on the Wii, unfortunately I would just rent it.
u would be renting the definitive version of RE5 if it came to Wii and keeping the broken version RE4 for gamecube/Wii is the best RE u can get full stop maybe RE5 Wii will outdo it
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