Looks like March 12th which is the release party for Resident Evil 5 might be the day where Capcom finally makes us all happy and announces the next Resident Evil game for the Wii. Even if that is not the day, one of the representatives from Capcom said that Resident Evil fans who are Wii owners will be very happy soon. It may in fact be a new Code Veronica game (please for the love of God let it not be a port of the old game) The proof is below:
While submitting that Resident Evil 5 "pushes the boundaries of graphics and gameplay," Capcom's Associate Product Marketing Manager, Matt Dahlgren, had something more to say when prodded about a Wii version. "It was made for the Xbox 360 and PS3," he told our correspondent, at a recent Capcom event in Toronto. "That being said, Nintendo Wii fans will be very happy very soon."
"Game Focus: One of the staff here loves Code Veronica (Fale) and was wondering if we would see a XBLA or PSN release of this game.
Matt Dahlgren: Nothing is planned for the game regarding a remake on PSN/XBLA, but what I can say is if you are a fan of Code Veronica you should pay attention in the next couple of weeks there is some news you should be very pleased with. Tell him to pay attention on the 12th (March)."
"Resident Evil 5 Launch Party!To celebrate the release of Resident Evil 5 on Friday, March 13th, Capcom and our friends at GameStop are throwing a launch party! On the eve of the launch, Thursday the 12th, meet us at Union Square in San Francisco to usher in Resident Evil 5. The event kicks off at 8pm and ends at midnight when you will be able to pick up your game- in-between we’ll have plenty going on to keep you busy. For starters, there will be a whole tent dedicated to the game where tons of kiosks will be set up and players will get a chance to get their hands on the game before grabbing it at midnight. You’ll also have the chance to win prizes and giveaways, meet the development team including co-producers, Takeuchi-san and Kawata-san and hang out with the motion capture/voice actors that played Chris, Sheva and Josh. To top it all off there will be new game announcements, stage shows, and Resident Evil activities all through out the night."
So one can conclude from all the above information that Capcom is going to be announcing a new Resident Evil game for the Wii on March 12th, with Code Veronica being the likely choice. So for me if that is true, I'm hoping for one thing: A new game. Not a remake or a port of the original but a complete new game. It can have Code Veronica in the title as long as it's a different game from the original. I'm tired of remakes and ports being made to use Wii control, just give us a new game. Hopefully Capcom knows this and is doing just that after seeing the failure that is Dead Rising on Wii.
Best case scenario: Completely new game made from the ground up for the Wii.
Average case scenario: Remake of Code Veronica made from the ground up on Wii.
Worst case scenario: Port of Gamecube version of Code Veronica X (which was a Dreamcast port already) with Wii controls.
is it a down loader for all 3 or a downloader for ps3 x360 and disc release on wii i hope not a built from scratch wii version please NOT ON RAILS
OH MAN!!!! I hope it is a new game but if it is a remake I hope they use a modified RE 4 engine.
not coming to ps3 download just wii i thought it was umbrella chronicles 2,and code veronica 2
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