Wow, I must say that I'm impressed by the texture detail in this Sonic game. Usually textures are sacrificed for a faster frame rate or getting more things on screen. So the question is just how much of a "Sonic" game is this? Sonic and the Secret Rings was basically a Sonic game but there was a lot of other stuff going on in it to make you thing otherwise. I for one really liked that game and it seemed like a good spin-off on the 3D Sonic tried and true. So since the same developers who made Sonic and the Secret Rings are making Sonic and The Black Knight, I'm hopeful that they will fix some of the issues that plagued the former and improve on them in this game. Sega is definitely making this game take full advantage of the Wii's power; the lighting, shading and model detail all reflect a lot of obvious hard work. I can't wait to see more in the near future.
I never noticed how the graphics got a major overhaul. However, I think they need to work on the character models more, particularly the Knights; they look blocky.
Some a gorgeous, some are ugly... I hope the fix some textures/add some nice depth-blurring.
sonic with sward sounds stupid but ill laff if it turns out great its an exclusive and sega have all of a sudden djumped on the wii band wagon so fingers crossed....
sega on wii 2009
mad world
house of dead overkill
sonic unleashed
sonic sward thingy
and lots more wii can save sega if they apply some commonsense to there bussines plan
my god it looks great.
The knights get a pass from me since their armor tends to be blocky anyway. The textures look fantastic for a Sonic game though.
Honestly, this game does look really good for the most part. I was thinking the other day though, and I haven't purchased a SEGA published game for any system since Sonic Adventure 2 on the GameCube. The reason being, their games tend to stink now. I really do want this to be good but I struggle with their past record.
Oddly enough though, I will be buying Mad World and The Conduit next year. But again, those are only published and not made by SEGA. I just hope the graphics in these screens equate to fun gameplay too.
Sonic and the Secret Rings didn't stink Tanooki, you should try it out.
I'm really excited for Black Knight now.
Absolutely - they are beautiful! When I see screenshots like these, I get all giddy like a little school girl. Other titles that make me say "Wow!" are Monster Hunter 3, & The Conduit. RE4 still gives me something to look forward to because if RE4 was Gamecube, than just think of the possibilities with future Wii specific engines. C'mon Factor 5! (cough! cough!) Actually, that MH3 engine looks amazing as well!
Now if only all developers would treat the Wii like this....maybe next year.
Chojuto, I actually played Secret Rings (my buddy bought it) and you are right that it wasn't too bad. The backing up was a little wonky but all in all it was pretty fun. The reason I never bought that was because I played it a decent amount at my buddy's house.
If the same team that did Secret Rings is doing this one it could turn out pretty good.
+10 for SEGA in 2009
Wow; this is actually quite impressive graphically. There is at least some hope for this game. However; as I should point out, we saw these type of graphics for the XBOX 360/PS3 version of Sonic and the gameplay was terrible crap.
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