Now we have Resident Evil 5 hopefully coming by the end of this year in Japan (2009 in the US) for Xbox 360, PS3 and......not the Wii.....yet. If you remember Capcom when asked if they would bring RE5 to the Wii, said that it would depend on how the sales of RE4 and Umbrella Chronicles performed on the system. Well here we are almost 10 months after the release of RE4 and 6 months since UC and both games have sold over 1 million copies each: Umbrella Chronicles sales and Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition sales
So both games seemed to have passed the "wait and see" test from Capcom. The question is now, when are we going to be getting Resident Evil 5 on the Wii? A version of the game should be coming out on the Wii sooner or later with all the support from fans and the overwhelming demand for this game that has been seen all through out the Internet. No doubt you've seen on forums the words "RE5 would be so awesome with the Wii remote" or "I wish Capcom would make RE5 for the Wii"......these have not been just a few requests, these are requests of literally thousands(almost 60,000 petition signatures) of people hoping to be able to have the freedom of aiming and control in RE5 like they could on RE4 Wii.
So is the graphics issue the only thing holding Capcom back? Is time and also resources an issue as well? Capcom is always making new game announcements so for it to be a resource issue is a bit of lame excuse. Now they do have many games they are working on with RE5 on the 360 and PS3 being a big one, so time might really be one of the hurdles for Capcom. So that leaves us with the actual development of the game for Wii. Would RE5 really be that hard to put on the Wii?
Lets compare the Gamecube version of RE4 with RE5 and see if there really is that huge of a difference in graphics that a Wii version couldn't be possible even though the Wii is about twice as powerful as Gamecube:

The top photo is the actual character model of Chris Redfield in RE5, with the bottom being Leon from the Gamecube version of RE4. I'm not really seeing a huge difference in detail. I'm sure that Chris has more polygons but not really a large amount more than Leon. The texture work will be better in RE5 than RE4 was on Gamecube, but then again so could the Wii version since it has about 3 times more memory than Gamecube that can be used for much more detailed textures.

Resident Evil 5 has great lighting, shadows and high resolution graphics. Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube had many similar effects minus the high resolution 3 years ago. A Wii version would still not have the HD but it can improve on ever aspect of what the Gamecube was doing back then. All RE5 on the Wii has to do is look close to it's big brothers in Standard Def and thats something I'm positive that it can accomplish with the right amount of effort using the Wii's extra power, extra memory and the unique architecture that Factor 5 has said makes the Wii able to do almost all the effects of the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Resident Evil 5 just plain looks like Resident Evil 4. You've got the same behind the back and to the left third-person view, the main character holds and aims his gun in the same way in both games, and in all the videos that have been released for Resident Evil 5 even the animations have been almost exactly the same! An example of this is when an enemy is killed in RE5 he drops to one knee in the exact same animation as RE4 when the Ganados were killed. All these things really make the case for RE5 to be on the Wii in my opinion. Telling me that Capcom will never do it or that it is just to hard to port over is really just a lame excuse. It can be done and RE5 on the Wii can look extremely good if seeing what Capcom was able to accomplish on Gamecube is anything to go by. Take down some of the polygons on the enemies (you can hide missing polygons really good with nice textures), bring down some of the lighting effects if need be and run it in standard definition and call it day.
Did I mention that the Wii is currently the worlds top selling console? The fans want it and the fans will buy it if you bring it to them. What more reasons could you possibly need Capcom?
*UPDATE* 7/23/08
Sega of America president Simon Jefferey in an interview concerning hardcore gaming on the Wii let slip that Resident Evil 5 was coming to the Wii. He said: "Resident Evil 5 (he then pauses for a moment) when that happens on the Wii it's going to help."
Jefferey tried to backpedal his statement after the interview but I've found more evidence:
Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development of Capcom had this to say when asked about the Resident Evil 5 Wii slip up in the "Ask Capcom forum":
"Simon's a friend of mine... but I don't think I've spoken to him about anything like that.
Hey guys I don't know about you but that is looking like a very strong hint that RE5 is in development for the Wii. That is definitely not a denial, and usually when Sven talks like that it means something is happening concerning that subject (for the Wii in this case) and he can't say anymore about it or it will interfere with Capcom's future plans. If Resident Evil 5 was announced right now for the Wii, how many sales would that take away from the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions which are almost finished? From a business standpoint I can understand if Capcom plays it quiet until after those versions are released, and then they may announce RE5 for the Wii.
There's a light at the end of the tunnel it seems....
*Update* 4/2/09
Reggie recently asked Capcom why Resident Evil 5 is on the Wii, here is the original question and response from Capcom:
“Why wasn’t ‘Resident Evil‘ and other key Capcom releases that are in the marketplace now… why wasn’t there a Wii execution?”
“Both ‘Resident Evil 5‘ and ‘Street Fighter IV‘ were designed for high-definition graphics systems using Capcom’s current in-house engine called MT Framework. To get ‘RE5′ or ‘Street Fighter IV’ out on the Wii, we would have to create all-new versions of both of these games, which is something we’re not opposed to doing. So the intention of both ‘RE5′ and ‘Street Fighter IV’ was to go for graphical showcases, which is not what the center of the bullseye Wii is aiming for. However, we do have a lot of ‘Resident Evil’ action happening on the Wii and hopefully we will have more in the future.” - Chris Kramer, communications director, Capcom
Capcom clearly said they are not opposed to making "ground up" versions of Resident Evil 5 and Street Fighter IV for the Wii. Does this mean that it will happen? I think that yes it will. Capcom should have been making Resident Evil 5: Wii Edition a long time ago if you ask me. It would probably be a lot better on the Wii (with the control alone) and if they made it from the ground up, they could easily take out the forced co-op missions that detracted from some of the experience of RE5 on the other systems. Make it work Capcom, or at least give us Resident Evil something with Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition controls.
Is this really so hard to ask?
1 – 200 of 235 Newer› Newest»It looks like Capcom is simply working off a ported RE4 engine/assets and adding next-gen effects on top of that. Which is good, because it doesnt waste. But the point is that you're comparing a game thats a work in progress to a fully fledged title on the Gamecube. Thats hardly fair.
Capcom has no plans to release RE5 in 2008, instead stating 2009 as their release year. What this means is that the graphics could be on a totally different level by the time they have finished the title. They could probably surpass Gears of War or UT 3 on the Ps3. Capcom have already proven their ability with graphics and i (and you) would probably not be surprised if RE5 turns out to be the 360 and Ps3's best looking titles.
If thats the case, then Gamecube/RE4 comparisons by that point will be obsolete.
I'm not buying that RE5 will look totally different in a years time due to development. You can tell already that Capcom has put a lot of effort into the look of the game and to change it to look way better or change the design of it will only cost Capcom more money.
This picture of RE4 for Gamecube was taken almost a full year before the game was released
Did the game change much after that? Not really at all. You are also forgetting that my comparison to the Gamecube game was to show that the Wii version could be capable of so much more since it does have more power than the Gamecube RE4 on Gamecube looks very similar in style and approach to RE5. With the Wii being the top money grabber so far this gen, Capcom could make a port that satisfies the audience on the Wii without making the game look so much different than the versions on PS3/360. You can argue all you want that the game will not look good on the Wii, but that is besides the point if Capcom can make money on it they will do it. RE4 for Cell phones anyone? Nuff said.
i know for a fact that re5 can be made on Wii and hold up very good.anyone who thinks otherwise has just been bitten by the ps2/Wii bug.
The Wii is capable trust me or better yet trust FACTOR5!
I'm not saying I think it will happen or I think it won't (though I would love it if it did) but I think the main argument on this whole thing is this one made by Metal:
"""You can argue all you want that the game will not look good on the Wii, but that is besides the point if Capcom can make money on it they will do it."""
If they can make money on it, which they certainly would, they will do it. Look at Ubisoft's Assasin's Creed. They made a DS version and that was a completely separate game with no shared entities or engine. RE5 can and should be made for Wii.
If what you're assuming is true, hopefully Capcom ports the game to the Wii. I don't know why they wouldn't. However don't you think there's a lot more to the game than what you can tell from screenshots?
Don't count on ever seeing re5 on the Wii. I doubt it would happen. The sales on the Wii would be alot smaller then they would be on the 360 or PS3. Think of it like this. Most people bought re4 on the wii because there was no other option. How many of those sales would ahve been lost if they announced re4 remake on the 360 at the same time? People wont put down another $50 for differnet controls.
this game isn't even being directed by the original re creater.i doubt they are going to do much new,i think they are just going to follow his blueprint. its like dave said it looks like they are just uping the visuals.
Not that "just upping the visuals" is a bad thing, it's just the only thing I've seen so far in RE5 that has been improved over RE4. Now if the game is not released on the Wii, you can say that RE5 is not meeting it's full potential for control. The great graphics can only go so far until you start saying to yourself "I want my Wii remote to aim instead of this stick and move stuff".
People have indeed been struck with the "Wii is a PS2" Virus. It can do so much more and if some of you guys actually READ the Factor 5 interviews I've posted on this site you'd understand and stop passing off Resident Evil 5 from ever coming to the Wii. If Julian from Factor 5 says that the Wii is capable of producing the same effects as PS3/360 (Everything is custom and not pre-set like the other systems) like Highly Detailed Shaders, Normal Mapping, HDR Lighting and textures then you'd better believe him because Factor 5 were the main guys who had the insight on how the Gamecube was made and they coached Nintendo on what would be a very powerful yet cost smart system to make. The Wii is the very example of that mentality, it is a next generation Gamecube which is awesome when you think about it. If you were trying to make the argument for RE5 coming to the PS2 then yes you'd be kicked to the curb, and since so many games look just like a PS2 game on the Wii (damn ports!) it has been easy for people to assume that the Wii is not capable of producing games that look close to 360/PS3 in Standard Def. RE4 for the Wii is the most realistic looking Wii game yet released and it's based on a 3 year old Gamecube game. Don't you think the Wii can make a game that looks even better even twice as good? You know the answer to that.
"Don't count on ever seeing re5 on the Wii. I doubt it would happen. The sales on the Wii would be alot smaller then they would be on the 360 or PS3. Think of it like this. Most people bought re4 on the wii because there was no other option. How many of those sales would ahve been lost if they announced re4 remake on the 360 at the same time? People wont put down another $50 for differnet controls."
So, I guess the sales for the GameCube version of Resident Evil 4 were compromised when Capcom announced it for the PlayStation 2 (along with exclusive content), months before the GameCube version was even released, right? When that news broke out, everybody was already calling for Nintendo's swan song because one of GameCube's most prized exclusives is being released on the PlayStation 2 (along with PC), yet the GameCube version sold real well.
But even after the game's success on the GameCube, people were still content with spending $50 on the PlayStation 2 version. Nintendo fans still comprise most of the strong base in the Resident Evil franchise, as evident with the sales of the Wii Resident Evil titles. If Wii owners are willing to shell out $50 on multiplatform titles like WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008, despite the fact the Wii version tends to get the short-end of the stick on visuals, then why not Resident Evil 5?
Wow man great post. I think that eventually we will get this title...Let's just keep those wiimotes crossed!!
"those Wiimotes crossed" that just sounds wrong man.....
As for Capcom, well they need to take advantage of the opportunity to put RE5 on the Wii. No excuses, just put it on the Wii and do whatever they need to do to get it done.
these developers really need to open there eyes,theres a bunch of game genders that haven't bean fully realized on Wii.
i want to see gta styled games,fps (timesplitters style),great adventure games not developed by Nintendo,and really great racing games ect.
How about a game from a Third Party that actually has a big budget? Yes there is Monster Hunter, but that game is not very popular in America. Devil May Cry, Lost Planet or an actual Final Fantasy game (not a spin-off game) would be great. Epic games could make an incredible FPS on the Wii if they just tried; Unreal Championship 3 anyone? All these developers are just dropping the ball seriously bad.
to play resident evil 5 on out dated standard pads in its self is LAST BASTARD GEN SONY/BIL FANS going back to standard pads after the wiiness version is like sticking sharp pencils in your eyeball
those graphics are 1000000000000% capable on wii @480p
the sales would be smaler IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT
ON X360/PS3
As much as I like your enthusiasm and support for this, you really need to turn off your caps lock.
You don't have to capitilize your entire post just get your point across, alright?
hahaha, well whoever that guy is (he always posts as anonymous) I guess we'll always know it's him when he posts.
Well...on second thought he could learn to spell correctly "Capcon" and "allready" were brutal.
blog guy CAPS OR no caps it dosnt really matter stop being so grammer ANAL it my content that matters
im fed up with pro sony anti nintendo liars
tev can mimic so called shaders
tev is a shader it just doesnt do it the same way its not called a shader under microsoft termanolgies
just like mac os skats allover windows as anyone with a sence of honesty will tell you
but just because its not called windows docent meen that the apps dont operate WITHIN A WINDOW does it
we all know that they do... INFACT AMIGAS AND MACS HAD POINT AND CLICK OS OP SYSTEMS years and years before biull gates BULLSHIT
so again theres nothing stopping capcon re doing res evil 5 in tev code is there
im fed up with liars stating shaders are flexable when infact every single pc/x360/ps3 heavily shader tech games
UPS CAPS sorry but my content is clearly that of a brain user not a hype believer
lets stay freinds hay WII ON THE SAME SIDE AFTER ALL
You make an amazing point here. I am one of the many people who wants RE5 on Wii. and as you said it wouldn't be that hard to make a port the Wii is capable of much more than it is given credit for. just look at mario galaxy, REUC and RE4 all amazing looking games and there on Wii. i have signed the petition and i advise anyone who loves Resi to do the same. I have always been a Nintendo guy and RE5 not coming to Wii would force me to buy a crappy Xbox 360 complete RE5 and sell it, which i really don't want to do. Have you considered sending this to Capcom as you make an excellent and very clear point which would leave Capcom with no excuse. I really want RE5 Wii and so does many others so ur far from alone in this situation. Wii can do much better, even factor5 says so!!
Yes I have posted this info on a the IGN forums and Gamespot forums. The petition has been going for a while now and I know Capcom has seen all of this also. I think they've got the message loud and clear: we want Resident Evil 5 on the Wii. They may not have enough time to do a port when the game is released but they can bring it out a little later if need be. The Wii version of RE4 was released 2 and half years after the Gamecube version and don't you think it was worth ever bit of the wait and every bit as good as the first time you played it on Gamecube? I think so, and not only that but the Wii version feels like a new game thanks to the control scheme. RE5 would be the same way for the Wii when compared to the other systems which will be using dual analogue.
eeeh, wasnt GC RE4 graphics PRE-RENDER (backgrounds)???
Thats why they look great, if RE5 its gona have 100% Real Time graphics wii CANT handle it
Capcom is a very capable company they were able to produce RE2 for the N64 back in the day and that was no easy task to do! I've no doubt they can produce RE5 on the Wii. Wii has yet to be pushed to the limit, I swear the Wii can do things that could look as good as first generation 360 games, Cube was a monster, and Wii is twice as powerful, maybe moreso. So Wii most certainly can handle it. Bottomline is the bottom line, can Capcom make $$ bringing it to wii? No question. RE4 will end up selling more copies on Wii than Cube and probably ps2 also. After playing RE4 on wii, I can't go back to the boring last gen setup, its not as responsive or intuitive. Plus capcom did say sales of re4 and uc would be the test, a test it seems Wii passed with flying colors, bottomline make it happen! I will not buy a 3-400$ machine just to play this game. Next gen graphics + Last Gen controls does not mix for me.
re4 was the first in the series to not use pre rendered backgrounds like unbrella chronicles u idiot
I believe it is absolutely possible. The GC version of Leon Kennedy was composed of 10,000 polygons. It's a well known fact that some developers were able to get the GC to push 40 million polygons. If the Wii has 2-3x more power, then the Wii is actually a BEAST!
Now that some DEVS are currently building Wii Engines from the ground up, (apparently proving that the Wii is capable of "Next Gen" effects) I hope CAPCOM has the foresight to greenlight RE5 for the Wii! Dave's correct! CAPCOM did say RE5 for Wii was dependent on how well RE4/RE:UC sold on the Wii. C'mon guys (CAPCOM), what's the deal?
While we're on the subject of RE, all we need now is the capability to run AND shoot at the same time.
Running backwards AND shooting would be nice. Then we would have a better chance against zombies that haul ass! (Ala "28 Weeks Later!) LOL!
I have to say, though, RE4 set the bar pretty high.
Oh,It's possible.The wii is a powerful console.Imagine if those wii haters never saw the PS3/360's graphics and looked at the wii's power compared to last generation's consoles.Needless to say they'd be blown away.Correct me if I'm wrong,but didn't RE4 have like 40 million polygons?.If that's the case the wii could easily double that.
Ok, I own a Wii, have both RE4 Wii Edition and Umbrella Chronicles. I must admit that RE5 (if released on the Wii), would need a slight change in graphics, but VERY VERY slight. I must agree with you, it is possible to put RE5 on the Wii. I'm really looking forward to playing RE5, but I'm not going to buy another system, such as a PS3 or XBOX 360 just for one game. So they should put RE5 on the Wii as well. They would sell a whole lot more.
Si,senor!You are correct,amigo.I live in Valencia,and the PS3 is muy caro,here as well as your country!As for the Xbox360,Let's just say that's my last resort.Ps3 is mui estupido.RE5 for the wii would be asombroso!
I hope that RE5 does come out on the Wii it be awsome if i could use the light gun for the Wii. I also think Capcom should add on a coopertive player mode with all the game features along with a hard and expert modes to RE5 for the Wii along with XB360/PS3
There's a 50/50 chance that RE5 won't come out for the Wii. It's not all that bad though, since RE0 has been announced to come out exclusively for the Wii sometime later. http://wii.ign.com/articles/855/855281p1.html
Check it out, the images seem to have graphics that par with RE5's graphics. So chances are, this Resident Evil in the works might just rival RE5.
I want RE5:wii.The same over-the shoulder camera perspective,same enemies,same setting,same weapons,same extras,everything.Not another last-gen port or spin off.Resident Evil 5 for the wii just HAS to happen!
eh... i think they made the very shitty umbrella chronicles on the wii to shut wii fan boys up for a little while but that didn't work. I don't really care. I have an xbox and a wii so i don't need to bitch about it.
You people really need to learn how to spell. Jesus.
SCREW U ALL i think all in all res 5 should go on wii lots of people say its good and for those of u who dont think it would sell out or b a good game on wii ur wrong and graphics dont really matter compared to controls so ya HA! U FUCK!
I was wondering if I could bring up some other topics to think about. What about just using the Gamecube controller? And give me some of the facts, why can't the Wii handle RE5 graffics? (The Wii is twice as powerful as the Gamecube so I've heard) And last, what is on Capcom's mind to think that they won't make money selling RE5 on the Wii? Is there a reputation to be held, that the Wii is a family system...? Just thought i would bring up some other topics.
Are you blind? you can't even compare the screen shots (BTW you compared prerendered video to rendered video in at least 1 place).
Thew engine itself would just not run on the wii. Porting it would be nearly as hard as creating an entirely new, wii exclusive game (which might be a possiblity down the line).
Nope, there is no pre-rendered video shown of Resident Evil 4 on the Wii or Gamecube for that matter. Resident Evil 4 ran completely in real-time (cut scenes included) on the Gamecube when it was first released back in 2005.
Capcom doesn't really have any good reasons to not bring this game to the Wii. They have even less of an excuse to not bring another Resident Evil game to the Wii. They need to bring a new Resident Evil game to the Wii done in the RE4 style. Whether that is RE5 or a completely new RE game, it needs to get done because Wii owners are really dying to have another game like that on their system. Capcom would have easy money in the bank even if they put high production costs into making it.
Heartbroken, thats how I felt when I heard that RE5 is not coming out on the Wii. Bar far the best version of RE4 is the Wii one, purely because of the controls. It's the best selling machine worldwide. Yes a lot of those machines are 'Family Consoles', but that still leaves the adults wanting games like this. If Capcom don't release a Wii version they are fools, and I will cry.
People keep getting into "the wii can't use that engine".There is no legitimate reason why Capcom can't port this game to the wii.I say this because,the graphics do not play such a tremendous role in this game,that it would be at all different from a version with worse graphics.From the looks of things,they focus heavily on physics,which the wii is capable of with the Quantom3 engine.Don't underestimate the wii.
I hope Resident Evil 5 comes out for Wii. The Wii is far more successful than PS3 or Xbox 360.
I'm just so angry that Capcom doesn't want to make RE4 for the Wii. That's the whole reason I bought my Wii in the first place, because I love the game so much. They are probably hoping that people like me will buy yet another gaming system-PS3 or XBOX 360, just so we could play it. They should really think about all the loyal fans that made them who they are before giving us the finger.
perhaps you mean RE5??? Its not that they don't want to, it just takes looking into. They may be the publisher, but someone else may be the developers.
I agree;let's give them the finger back!
I thought that re4 on the wii was awesome and who cares if the graphics are a little worse i think people play games to have fun not for the graphics
I'm sick of seeing all the great games like COD4 and GTA4 come out on the PS3 and XBOX 360. I think it's time wii should get one. RE5!
RE5 should come out on wii because using analog sticks to aim would be crap. The wii's aimer would make the experience more exciting. Also, all the RE games have came out on a Nintendo console. They shouldn't stop now.
Who cares about HD if you can still have a great Looking game on the Wii?
I know that capcom sooner or later will give the announcement, maybe on E3? i hope so!
Good day!
Exactly right.The wii is dominating sales,despite having slightly worse graphics.People just want to play this game with the best controls.Including me.I'm also interested in seeing what the wii is really capable of doing!
I beleive RE5 will make it's way to the wii eventually hopefully it does get an announcement at E3 for the wii.And for the record the wii can produce excellent graphics it's just that the companies making the games are lazy and don't want to waste more money to make the game look good.
I don't get why they dont just make RE5 on the wii,I mean I don't care if the grpahics suck.Can't they make the graphics like RE4 on the wii i just wanna see the storyline
Ok, please don't yell at me because I'm not the anonomys dude that keeps cussing at everyone in caps lock. I think Capcom could put Resident Evil 5 on the Wii, the only difference would be standard definition.
please bring some action games to the wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I definetly agree that capcom has no excuse. Graphics look the same. I also sent a letter to them about RE5 on Wii.
Sweet.What wii haters need to know is that we won't roll over for them!
Difference between ps3/360 versions and wii. village in ps3/360 would be one huge wide open world, on the wii its broken up into stages. Graphics on wii look standard compared to ps3/360, but still good graphics, the wii version would not have the effect where eyes adjust to light and dark, wii can handle maybe 18 enemies at once instead of 30 at once. And finally, the wii can handle all the same animations and physics but instead of "real time" like ps3 and 360, it would be more scripted on wii. That's about all it takes for a wii version.
Dude,It's 18 enemies anyway
That's just crazy. The Wii should be able to do just as much as 360 and PS3 SAME AMOUNT OF ENIEMIES AND MUCH MORE. hAVE YOU EVEN SEEN THE GRAPHICS OF THE CONDUIT,SADNESS AND FATAL FRAME 4?! If they can make call of duty 5 and these other three monsters they can do this. Yes Call of Duty 5 will be on the Wii with graphics that compare to call of duty 4 for 360.
I had a 360 for about 3 weeks and it caught the Red ring of Death. It was a piece of shit. In other words please make Resident evil 5 for the Wii. I have been waiting for this game since I beat Resident Evil 4 on my gamecube. Look at Fatal Frame 4 or Sadness and tell me they that they can't make RE5 for the Wii it will probually sell more than Xbox360 and Ps3 copies combined.
Hell yeah!.Screw Capcom!
The wii is by far the best console to own, yet capcom chose to put RE:5 on 360/PS3 WHY? because of a little more graphical power I think cacom should rethink what they are doing it's not always about best graphics, gameplay has a lot to do with how good a game is and the wii can do that.
I agree 100%.Wii is best
yeah i agree, gamecube was like the home of resident evil i dont think they will just ditch the wii but the thing im looking forward to res evil zero so wii is getting resident evil ( but 5 should be realesed on it)
I have been a fan of Sony and Play station since I got a PS1. I also owned a n64 at the time. Only reason I liked ps1 more is because it has more of the game genres i like (red alert aftermath was a favorite along with GTA)
But after going through 2 Ps1's and 3 ps2's (all broke in after a year, and i am very careful with my electronics)I don't trust Play station or Sony's products for shit.
My original NES from like 1989 STILL WORKS. So does my super Nintendo.
I refuse to buy another Playstation. And I would never touch a Xbox neither.
I was planning purchasing a Wii this week and I already own Re4 for PS2 but i plan to buy it for Wii as a first game.
HD isn't a issue because I have two 60 inch big screens that don't support HD anyways.
The new controls are the biggest thing though. I agree graphics aren't as important as controls. think about GTA San Andreas for PC compared to PS2, besides being able to modify the content and that on high end systems the graphics where great. The controls where stupid as hell.
Just ass capcom would be stupid ass hell not to release it for wii
GCN pushed 17 million poly's in Rebel Strike all effects (including normal mapping) on at 30FPS and still looks better than any Wii game outside SMG. I've been saying Capcom should just give the RE4 engine to Factor5 and let them port RE5 with a new graphics engine. Wanna bet it would rock?
The PS2 version of RE4 pushed less than 2/3rds of the poly's that the GCN version pushed, but you didn't really notice it. Meaning, they could put 1/3rd more enemies on screen for the GCN version without a noticeable difference. No port that to the Wii and you can put out even more enemies on screen, or keep the same amount and just polish the graphics. Of course it will never look like PS360 but that really is not necessary to tell the story and deliver the gameplay. The only problem COULD be the AI, but knowing Resident Evil, i doubt that would be a problem. Haven't seen too much physics Wii couldn't handle either.
Last but not least, if they could port RE4 to a f*cking cellphone, they can port RE5 to the Wii.
Also, they don't have to make an exact port, let them make a "Seperate Ways" version of RE5 but really fleshed out. Fine by me too. Just give us a true RE experience and not this Umbrella Chronicles crap, which happened to sell over a million copies too, Capcom. In case you're wondering if the franchise will sell.
Hell no,I don't want a spinoff!.That "seperate ways" you are talking abou could just be wii-exclusive!
I think Nintendo fucked themselves at the E3 '08 conference with nothing appealing to M rated gamers or hardcore gamers at all. This, personally, is the only game that nintendo could use to revive itself to me until a new fucking Zelda comes out
DAMN no mention of RE:5 for wii at the E3 well i guess thats it, man that pisses me off, i was hoping to play RE:5 with wii controls but now i need to get a PS3 and drop $60 on the game just cause the graphics are good it's not fair :(
I don't think dead rising is the secret game capcom was talking about. But lets examine that, if they can port that game to the wii from the 360, RE5 seems like a logical move that should follow suit. I dont know if any of you have seen the recent video of CoD5 running on Wii but it looks fantastic! The conduit is another game that is pushing the Wii's performance benchmark forward. The TEV unit is a gold mine few devs have utilized. I don't think people should worry too much about the Big N's E3 performance, E3 as a whole is not what it used to be and so be it.
Remember Re2 on N64 wasnt supposed to happen, due to the cartridge format, Capcom made it happen. I just truly believe this game will make its way to the Wii. Also with Wii stepping up their online services and that new WiiSpeak peripheral online co-op is a must on Wii also. Is it just me, or do some third parties seem to be steppin up finally? EA, Activision, and Capcom in particular.
Nintendo might as well have shot themselves in the face cause their business conference sucked they didn't metion anything worth getting excited about but at least i'm happy to know that miyamoto said their still a new zelda in progress.
give it some time, there were a couple of games announced ps2 and xbox only but sooner or later it went to the gamecube, wont be any difference here
I don't know if capcom decides to release RE:5 on wii it will probably be a few months later but by then we will already know what happens in the game and that detracts from the whole experience of playing RE:5.
Let's be honest, we all loved Resi 4 partially because it was so beautiful... but the reason I keep on playing it over and over and don't get bored of it like most other games is that playing it on the wii is amazing fun.
It's the controls! That's why everyone wants a wii version!
Some people may contradict me and say graphics matter a lot to them, but I wouldn't care if the graphics were no better than 4, I wouldn't even care if they were worse. I just want to play the game!
I hope they are making the wii version of RE:5 and it doesn,t matter if they put it on 2 disc or 3 disc as long as we get it.
Well i know capcom didn't announce RE:5 for wii at the e3 but there is still the tokyo game show in october where nintendo will participate, hey they might say something they do sometimes keep their better titles for this event.
Firstly I have both a 360 and a Wii. If RE5 came out on both at the same time you know which I'd run first to get...the Wii version honestly.
Why cos I played RE4 on PS2 then on Wii. The Wii version was simply the funnier game. And the fact is its the same for the 360 and the Wii.
Dead rising comes to Wii...does anyone see history repeating itself here? I do.
Why you say? Two reasons. The first reason being, The PS3 and 360 are in a different bracket than the Wii. You can do the same on each but with the Wii its harder its difficult to do teh same things so it holds back development as ppl try to make this next-gen game fit all the systems. Therefore its better to lead with these two systems you can stretch yourself as a games developer. Try new things. Then its easier to port it later and leave out the new things if that has to be the case, or try doing them slightly differently. For example fewer zombies on screen or lower resolution zombies, or no dust particles fying around but all the zombies. see where I'm going here? You have the "perfect idea" its just implementing it on Wii best.
The second reason is much simpler ppl who have the 360/PS3 version will buy the Wii version later...I certainly will other Wii owners will. Cos it is that much fun to bullseye zombies with your Wiimote.
I Stand here and know for a fact RE5 will come to Wii. I honestly think it won't come till 6 months after 360/PS3 but I know it will.
Hi there...
First of all, nice post on the RE5 for wii, secondly, here is what i think about this possibility.
1. Never in my life i play a game which is so good in sense of graphic, control and gameplay. RE4 is simply an epic for any gamers who like action games. Sure the horror factor is little, but as long as a game is fun, why not? I played it on ps2, solved the main game and didnt bother to go for separate way, find the control to be least fun. Pick it up again on the wii, i find myself going after 5 stars in the mercenaries extra, over and over again without getting bored. That's what i called a great game, from every aspect of the game itsef, wii seem to be a perfect system for such an over the shoulder gameplay. So if RE5 not coming to Wii,there is nothing the gamer lose, the one who is losing is capcom! There are eventually millions of wii copy they are going to sell, and I don't think capcom didn't see that coming. :)
2. The natural of business, no one in the business would tell you " hey, I earned enough from this product, let stop selling it". Well, they know RE5 for Ps3 and Xbox is going to sell well, and they are 100% sure that its going to sell much more in wii (even if they tuned down the graphic without the HD), so why bother selling or releasing it now. HIstory shows that RE4 wii still sell real good. History now show that a remake of Dead Rising made fans excited. So this the natural of business, stay low to grab as much potential buyers first, then go on with a release to grab the rest of the buyers + the existing buyer. I am pretty sure if you got yourself a PS3/Xbox ver of RE5, you will still get the Wii ver when its release! That the power of interactive motion gameplay in wii.
3. Resources + time period + revenues. They got at least half of the resources for RE5 made into wii, even if they need to built from ground, they already got the storyboards, the flow of the games, controls manipulation from RE4, all being setup for them, and with their experiences in making RE4 in wii, their only obstacles is the graphic section. However, they already save lot of resources and time period to develop a game which could actually sell and make profits, so why not?
IN a nut shell, sure we are waiting and waiting, being as not the nintendo fanboy, but more to serious games fans, we always want to enjoy games which is fun, in this case,RE5.
Until then, let's again hope for the best to come :)
is it or is it not coming for wii could you e-mail me at hartyjames@hotmail.com, before the wii came out everyone was saying that its brilliant but there is harley any games out for it.
Yes, it's true that the Wii doesn't have the HD like the PS3 and 360, but it's almost there. With all the sells that Capcom made with RE4 on the Nintendo hardwares, I don't know why they are worrieds about this.
I'm sure that Resident Evil 5 would be a best-seller on the Wii.
Capcom you should make the wii version of RE5 after you get sales from the PS3 and Xbox360 why not. There could be more sales for the wii than the other consoles because wii is one of the most owned consoles. i would buy the wii version if you made it. I wouldn't care if it didn't have as good grafics
Well if they do make RE5 for the Wii , Yeah it would cost them money but you gotta spend money to make money right? So if they did make it for the Wii they would get alot of money same for Bungie though they should make Halo3 for the Wii!
well the wiis getting dead rising and hell thats a xbox 360 game port.
o.k. i might not know much about all the technical aspects of making a game but i know for sure Capcom will be really stupid not to make RE5 for Wii. Somebody should definitly tell capcom that they are being idiots.
The Wii isn't a weak console, developers just don't try hard enough to bring its potential out. If you want to see a game with the Wii's power at work, look at The Conduit. You can tell High Voltage made its engine from the ground up to be used specifically with the Wii, it looks far better than the ample Ps2-like games on it.
The Wii can make those graphics if they wanted 2. The xbox360,Ps3 just looks more lighter.Make Re 5 on the wii- get tons of money. Make Re 5 after like 4 months after the xbox version- get ton of money. still I want 2 see how longthe game play on RE 5 really is!!! also i own a wii anyway so i'll just wait for the results
I am one of the first generation computer gamers. I still have a commodore Amiga which I lovingly play. My point being that I believe it is far more important to have gameplay over graphics. Yes the ps demos of RE 5 that I have seen look amazing and I can't wait to buy it. Yet after playing RE 4 on the Wii I was totally blown away by the control method it incorporated (once I got used to it) and feel it would be a huge crime if Capcom did not release RE 5 for the Wii in some form
hey has anybody heard that capcom said that for their current gamelist in this fiscal year all their games were going to be multiplatform, who knows because of that they may put RE:5 on the wii although it may not happen.
Funny how this keeps going on. I already posted a link to a factor-5 article on GC shader implementations on that other thread.
First, those screenshots DON'T compare at all. If you take photos from your TV set you'll get that "overlit" effect that's in your RE4 example pics. Furthermore you can't compare RE4 cut-scenes with RE5 ingame graphics. Cutscenes really dont require much more than 50.000 polies per frame (the Wii only has 300.000 SD pixels remember?)
But still, I think the Wii CAN pull of similiar graphics. RE5 looks so good because of the lighting. Sunlight gives very bright "overlit" reflection on stuff like skin, leather, metallic stuff and even stones.
Now, check the sunlight effects in for example Zelda or No More Heroes. It's the same. If capcom would use reflective shading on skin and emboss bumpmapping (for both shadow and light) on clothes in combination with hardware lighting it would look great.
Since RE5 won't utilize large open areas Capcom could introduce a portal engine so they can dynamically stream environment from disc. This would also reduce the amount of polygons that have to be rendered per frame (I don't think the Wii really hits much more than 20M per second with stuff like bumpmapping and reflections going on). But that should be sufficient since the Wii can't show much more than 300.000 polies a frame and a lot polies represent large surfaces, reducing the required number of polygons even more. 20M should be okay for 30fps games.
A MUCH MORE INTERESTING POINT IS: Are we content with game controls??? I think Leon is kind of sluggish. I would love it if I could walk when shooting and I would like it even more if I could do some quick sidestep to dodge those zombies.
I think that re5 should come onto the wii, they should have 2 choices:
1) Release the game at the same time as the other ports with the re4 engine or....
2) Release re4 some time later with extras, and push the wii to the limit.
If not then i'll just have to f*** myself and buy a crappy xbox 360 with the stupid red ring of death, or buy an expensive ps3.....
That release date is starting to get really close and my only option for playing RE5 is to buy an xbox 360 which is a piece of crap or a ps3 which will just break my wallet and getting re-re-re-released always having to drop memory or some function I would much rather play Re5 on my wii good control mechanics good graphics no flaws yet capcom wants to release it on systems that are faulty and defective thats no good.
wow i gotta say the tgs videos were sweet, especially with how wesker looks. There has to be news on a wii release by now.
Holy crap, i've seen the extended tgs trailer and i gotta say it's starting to look really good the story also seems to have a dark atmosphere to it with jill dying and and all looks i'llneed an xbox to play it i would rather have it on wii for the controls alone or a ps3 but thats to expensive.
the Wiis not strong enough. i dont know why you cant tell the difference even in those crappy screen shots you posted. RE5 looks better then RE4 in the screen shots, just imagine what it will look like in 1080i on the PS3. Wii doesnt even support 1080i. Dont get me wrong, id love a Wii version. I happen to like the Wii more then the PS3, but with all the newest additions that Capcom is aiming for with RE5, i just dont think it will be possible on the Wii without sacrificing the quality of the game and its graphics. If they did release a Wii version and it suffered visually or even content wise, i would still buy it. I want to see Capcom redo RE1 RE2 and RE3 with the same graphics and over the shoulder view like RE4 for Wii.
God dammed casual gamers are probably what is getting us hardcore gamers with a wii a hard time with getting good games.
I pray to the good lord in heevane that RE5 comes out for the wii until then FUCK CASUAL COWS.
Ohh, it's nothing to worry about. Capcom is just tryin' to cause the same chaos that happened when they announced the moving of the series from sony to nintendo... but this time they have the two markets on it's pocket. As happened on Ps2 vs GC, Wii will have it's version of RE5 but with a little downgraded graphics and a little of time after the release on the other two consoles.
I recently saw a RE5 interview from the tokyo game show on gametrailers, the producer said his team really likes the wii hardware and right now they are trying to see how to move the resident evil series onto the wii but they don't see this happening for another couple of years.
a new tgs interview, the producer did say that they like the wii and wants to release future RE titles to it but the main question is. Would it be RE5? link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YlRKU5rb50
The Wii can EASILY support RE5. Sure it won't look as great but we don't want it for its looks but rather the wonderful immersion from the motion controllers (!)
I think the current development team on Resident Evil 5 are getting nervous about the Wii because the XBOX/PS3 versions really aren't such a huge leap ahead from RE4!!
Their smack talk about the Wii can't handle the graphics makes me laugh. What are they gonna come out with next... "Vegeterians can't eat sandwiches because they don't eat meat?" LOLZ
I just read a an article on gametrailers that says the producer just said he doesn't like the wii because it wouldn't be able to handle it. I would like to see his face when somebody tells him about dead rising another game that supposedly couldn't be ported to the wii.
Irritating. RE4 starts out as a Gamecube exclusive then makes its way over to PS2. Which is fine, but then we get this slap in the face as well. Graphics aren't everything. Make the effort and tone them down.
I couldn't care less about the graphical capabilities of any other console - but the fact that developers tend to sidestep the Wii for this bizarre reason on a mass scale is getting very annoying. Sort it out.
For the love of God Capcom! Bring RE:5 to Wii!!!!!
I'm not gonna buy another console for one game that would easily be awesome on the Wii, the Wii's powerful enough, even if its a slight sacrifice on the graphics, we don't care, we just want RE:4 style gameplay and graphics, with the RE:5 characters and story!!
The Wii can be pushed to the limits, and i think it will be able to handle RES 5, the reason i bought if for the next gen systems controls and i don't want to go buy a 360 or ps3 just to play one game. Also facts are facts 40,000 want RES 5 on wii more than that capcom knows it will make money, and transferring it to the wii looks pretty easy, RES 5 and RES 4 looks the same just change the controls and wii certify it, pop it in, and if the wii cant handle it, down grade the graphics, simple. Capcoms just being lazy, and i'm sure they will lose a couple thousand fans.
Indeed an epic post. I think the 50,000+ signatures on the petition agree with you.
RE4 on Wii is my favourite Wii game hands-down. If they just attempted, if they would just take the risk to make a wider selection of mature wii games, the sales would fly. RE4 and No More Heroes are prime examples of that - People love them. More to the point, Nintendo should advertise such games more as oppose to almost being ashamed of them, and in terms of graphics capabilities... the Wii is fully capable.
I think Capcom will announce it anyway, shortly after the 360 & PS3 sales drop, there is no way loyal RE fans would ever forgive them if they didn't.
Oh, and that freudian slip is indeed promising, aswell :)
pacience my friends, business are business, if we have to wait I'll wait. Btw nintendo launches n64 the last nintendo expensive console with expensive games, what happened? almost bankruptcy for Nintendo(not really sure about it, but, i just had to look at the stock market to know), so playstation was cheaper with cheaper games copying everything from his father nintendo, putting 2 joysticks( the second one useless and everybody buy into), dual shock that cant compare to the original rumble pack of nintendo in star fox (man i love that game), what else did they copied? anyways nintendo make that mistake n64 was expensive and games expensive... SO nintendo learned and innovate had to sell RARE T_T i loved perfect dark i really loved it i was gonna buy an stupid xbox just to play the sequel, but naa no way wii came out then perfect dark zero came out, and i just forgot it, after playing metroid prime corruption i dont wanna play another FPS using a joystick aaaggghhh!!! anyways back to my topic hehe, ps3 made the mistake to make something really expensive with better graphics but nothing else but that.. just graphics, yeah too bad cause the economy isnt just good right now, so if i can get a game for 30 or 40 dlls used in gamest*p instead a game that costs 60 dlls, still uses joystick to aim, dang agggghh i cant go back to that unless is perfect dark the first one, the point is just look at the stock market put nintendo, then put vs market, nintendo has grown sooooooooooooooooooo much compared to microsoft and sony that are even :S, bottom line i hate gameinf*rmer magazine they just write shit on their pages and i stil get it for free i dont know why,(i really dont like that magazine), i hate announcements of games for ps3 and xbox related to war,war,war,war,war makes me think is the same game with different name, i can imagine my girlfriend asking me what game did u buy? o well i got this new hal0 X, what is it about?, well shooting, war, etc.. ohh u dont get bored of all that killing thing in all your stupid games? is the same shit i wanna play too, but something different... yeah u r right honey im sorry i have spent all my savings on this stupid games and i could have share fun with u with the wii.
I'm too out of the main topic but yeah just to recall DS saved nintendo also and wii omgosh the wii is amazing, and be honest ps3 and xbox 360 owners u have to talk good about them cause u spend a lot of money buying those prototypes because u dont wanna feel like ripped off, u dont wanna feel u wasted that amount of money, just look at gamest*op lists thats why people get the wii bundle!! because is cheaper and better!!, emm i dont know what else to say is too late right now i have to sleep, thats my opinion ^^ and comment.
PS. i forgot to talk about the gamecube that has much better graphics than the ps2 and i think it was cheaper i dont remember, but it failed cause ppl was still idiotized with the ps2. Thats why nintendo came with the Revolution (u remember that? i never doubt about nintendo never ever ever, is quality, is original, is always new experiences, i played atari then mario and i was O.O!!, then supernintendo mario's world and O.O!!, then mario 64 and O.O!!! theres a lot to talk about nintendo and i know im missing alot of things).
I dont doubt either capcom is gonna launch RE5 for wii. I dont think theres is someone that if u offer millions of dollars for his job is gonna tell u "oh no, i have enough money thank you" cuuu cuuu!!
you guys get a fucking life, it wont be the end of the world if Re 5 doesn't come out for the wii, while you cry and moan about this, the rest of us will be marking our calendars for the release date or planning to buy a 360 or ps3. if your true die hard resident evil fan since the late 1990s like my self, then stop complaining, I have a wii as well but eventually bought a ps3 for this game
That,s why we complain, we want the game to come to wii because we don't want to pay $400-600 for some gamesystem's that are only able to put out high graphics and that's all they have going for them when RE5 could be put on the wii and I could feel like i'm really shooting and reloading with the wii remote instead of the ps3 and 360's ancient ass controllers.Besides there isn't anyone that can say that RE5 wouldn't be a good game on wii, anybody that say it wouldn't I ask you this what good is a game that is graphicly great but plays like garbage? just garbage. Anythintg can be made to look good but making it play good takes alot of effort and that is exactly what capcom doesn't want to do, Imaen yeah we got Monster hunter 3 but come on if they can make that game on wii why not RE5 and i'm sure Monster hunter 3 is way more complex to make than RE5.
People should take into account another wii title called The Conduit. That game is proving that the Wii is capable of creating visuals on par with the earlier titles on the 360. You should look into it if you don't believe me. If you know what I'm talking about then don't you think that with all The Conduit is doing on the Wii that downgrading RE5 from the 360 wouldn't be so horribly difficult to achieve after all? They could even try to gain rights to use a modified version of The Conduit's graphical engine if they needed something to work with.
Yeah why doesn't capcom just reuse the RE4 engine and optimize it for the wii.I am sure it will look way better than RE4 and not so different from the RE5 on PS3/360.
Realy u prove a good point if it was for wii sales would skyrocket,plus theres hardley any good wii games so im sure that most people would buy it.
Just do like I did and buy a 360... problem solved! Everyone's happy.
I hope capcom thinks really hard about what they are doing cause if they release it without realesing it on wii they are gonna lose big money.
How is buying a 360 problem, solved? thats just another big problem, what with all the problems it has and the biggest being the RROD, if you want to play RE5 for an hour and then have it burn out because your console couldn't handle it then go right ahead, but i would much rather pray and wait for a wii release.
If capcom doesn't release RE5 on the wii, then i will kill a baby and a puppy and put in their doorstep! or mail it to the company president!
Resident Evil 5 for the wii would be a best seller in my opinion. The ability to actually "control" your fire makes it alot more entertaining. Resident Evil 4 for the wii had a large profit coming in and with Resident Evil 5, the same would happen. The only problem they would have is that on RE4 for the wii, they dumbed down the AI to make it possible to get use to is. They would probably want to do the same on RE5 but I see no need for it. Which just plain out shows that there isn't a large downfall making RE5 for the wii
ok! i totally agree with all this! It should be for wii! They also remade all of the original resident evils for gamecube (nintendo) so why not have resident evil 5 for wii which is also nintendo!
I've also watched the recent demos for re5 and the gameplay is VERY simular to re4, sure there are many different new things but ganados act very simular when shot certain ways, there are still laser pointers on all guns, and the reloading of them, and the sounds are all the same!
another important thing tho!!!! RE5 has a CO-OP mode!!!!! AWESOME! i hav heard its online or offline split screen!!! Sweeet! if the game is made for wii i truly hope they will have this in there!!!! Good luck evryone!
There only true big difference between graphics on PS3/360 and Wii is that the wii doesn't look any better when played in HD. Apaprt from that it is pretty much capable of the same standards as the PS3/360. Okay, it probably has a slight loss of hraphical power compared to them, but if it's pushed to the limit it could pretty much match the PS3/360 through CRT TV's.
I think Re5 will appear on the wii but after the other versions have gone out on sale. 2010 seems most likely or 2011.
RE5 is very possible for the wii, as you can see the conduit will be coming out soon, and have you seen its graphics? Its been declared the best wii graphics ever almost. So seeing the RE5 will have plenty of time to port the game to the wii, i would like to hear one good solid reason why they cant. I use to have a x box, when the 360 came out i was about to buy it until i hear news of the wii coming out. I knew so many people would either accept this new gaming look or hate it. So i bought the wii instead, and i know games like the conduit and RE5(if ported to the wii) would inspire more fps fans to get a wii.
Capcom ought to see what a wonderful chance they have here.
The Wii cries out for great games and the Resident Evil 4 certainly delivers. The Umbrella Chronicles was great; had the killer punch, then came Leon Kennedy, tasked with protecting the President's daughter Ashley.
I believe that Capcom would be making a grave mistake depriving us of RE5 on Wii, as the sales of RE5 would be well worth the development alone.
So Is Capcom incapable of developing Wii games or can they follow up RE4 with a massive success?
Prove me wrong....
Lets hope resident evil 5 wii gets a proper grade (A) development team on it unlike dead rising chop till you drop did. Have you seen the game it looks like a ps2 game.
I'm 27 and have seen nearly every game system produced, and I have to say that RESIDENT EVIL 4 IS THE GREATEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED!
Once and a while a game will come out that changes how we feel about gaming.
E.g. Mortal Kombat for Sega Genesis. N64's Golden Eye with the 4 player split screen. PS2's Gran Turismo and it's awesome simulation, and the Metal Gear Solid series with it's movie like storyline. Even Xbox changed the way we thought about online console gaming with C.O.D.
The Wii system alone changed the way we think about gaming, but I think Wii's version of Resident Evil 4, with its unique controls, is what got me hooked on Wii. I've played every Resident Evil and never been disappointed (except by the 1st-person shooters).
When I went to Gamestop last week looking for an accessory they were reserving copies for RE5. I was devastated when they told me it wouldn't be released for Wii. I almost punched the guy.
So based on all these wonderful comments I've read the question is not whether or not Wii can make it as good as Xbox or PS3, because it's pretty much proven that they can - the question is "Why WOULDN'T they do it?"
If you do a balance sheet and list all the reasons they wouldn't release it for Wii against the reasons they would, it's no contest. They should release it for Wii.
Lets face it. Capcom has us by the balls and can pretty much do whatever they want with release dates because they know people will buy RE5.
I'm sure some executive jerk over at Capcom said, "Let's put some time and money into other projects to show we can still make new stuff. We can always fall back on RE5 for Wii."
While I agree that Resident Evil 5 belongs on the Wii, I have played the Japan-exclusive XBOX 360 demo on a high def set-up, and believe me - it is STUNNING. The Wii won't be able to reproduce those effects. Factor 5 is right about the Wii having lots of untapped potential, but it's selective. I'll give you a great example. The Wii might be able to duplicate SOME lighting effects, but the act of doing so would severely tax it's processor - which isn't nearly as strong. Yes, everything is flexible, but if you're using something - it has to be borrowed from somewhere. I do know what I'm talking about, and believe me, there's a huge difference between producing FMVs and producing gameplay on such a high level.
That being said, Resident Evil 5 would be capable of looking very good - assuming the appropriate time was taken with it to ensure it's overall quality. To get the maximum visual fidelity, it will take a lot of balancing and tweaking to see how and when to tax the Wii's architecture. This type of trial and error optimizing isn't easy, and it's very time-consuming.
My guess is that Capcom will get it done, and that they will throw die-hard Nintendo fans a couple of exclusives to make up for the wait. There are simply too many Wii owners for Capcom to ignore.
Finally, there is a major difference between looking at screen captures and seeing a finished product in action. Yes, RE4 was good-looking, but it also had a high level of grain and pixelization that isn't present in RE5. The look is a lot cleaner this time around.
This of it this way. It's the difference between looking at pre-rendered backgrounds in the PS installments of Resident Evil 3 and looking at the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4. The effect holds up well initially, but with greater exposure, the flaws become more clearly illustrated. I, however, like everyone else commenting here, can't wait for RE5 to surface on the Wii - especially since I enjoyed the control scheme in RE4: Wii Edition. That won't, however, stop me from buying the game for either the PS3 or 360 - since they will be different experiences.
Resident Evil 5 look really kool i really hope they bring it to the wii with wii speak and nintendo wi-fi!!!!!!
capcom are waiting for every one who bought the ps3 and 360 version to get bored of it then release it on the wii to make money.The said truth is that all companys just want money
Resident Evil 5 is horrible anyway. The whole schtick is outdated even compared to it's clones (dead space). It looks pretty but the characters control like robots. The truth is it would likely be a pain for capcom to port the game to the wii and they'd have to rework the ai and the graphics otherwise it would run like sludge. It would probably control better however (hehe). It is horrible, you should be grateful to capcom for dead rising...that game is awesome (probably a ton of draw in though). Just my opinion.
You know if you go to IGN they have a report that says EA announced Dead Space for the wii so it is within the possibility that RE % will come to wii cause if you look at their games, they are games that anybody would have said couldn't be ported over or made on the wii so this gives me hope.
yeah i think it should come out for wii. People want free style pointer instead of laser pointers..........RE4 was a cool game but it won't be so dam hard just to make it on the wii. MOST of the people want it for wii so why won't u guys just make it so people won't complain!
Anyway,if you take a game( lets say Metal Gear Solid 4) and put it to Wii,i guess it would be better than on ps3. in my opinion, using R1 and X too shoot,i prefer pointing and killing with my Wii mote.So why not RE5.
I don't care if it is inferior to the other 2 systems in any aspect, I just really want RE5 for the Wii, so won't have to waste $300-$500+ plus another $50 for the game. I could until late 2010; I'm hoping it comes out by then.
RESIDENT EVIL 5 for wii would dominate all lately ive been reading alot about the wii and other systems and wii can do anything ps3 and 360 can do with next gen controls and next gen graphics comparied to just next gen graphics and out of date controls plz capcom you guys would be making the worst mistake no to put res 5 on the wii HHHUUUGGGEEE!!!!!!!
What about New Play Control versions of Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, 3 and Code Veronica? That would be awesome as well.
Nothing is impossible. If they can do it for Resident Evil 4, they can do it for Resident Evil 5. People are right, Capcom has no excuse to not put this game on stock for Wii. Hundreds of thousands of people are rooting for RE5 Wii Edition and Capcom would make so much money.
I think it would be so cool if it was to be made for Wii that it would be Wii Speak enhanced. Using Wii Speak would give you the ability to play online and talk to your partner. Just a nice thought...
But really. If Capcom decided to let a Wii edition for Resident Evil 5 to slip, millions of people would be dissapointed. PLEASE Capcom, don't leave Wii owners just rotting out while the 360 and PS3 owners get to enjoy the games. Were counting on you!
For anyone that doesn’t know the difernce between PS2\GC\PC RE4 controls and Wii RE4 controls:
The RE series must STOP being produced for ALL the other systems and be produced ONLY for the Wii.
They BETTER bring this to Wii!!!!
I don't care if the graphics aren't HD, the controls will more than compesate.
Besides, seeing what RE4 did on Wii(and that wa a old GameCube engine), they could really make something gorgeous on Wii! I mean, it is twice as powerful.
I refuse to ever by the PS3 or Xbox garbage! Not when I have the pleasure of amazing controls on Wii.
So, PLEASE, PLEASE Capcom, make the damn thing! You'll lavish amounts of money from it.
I think it would be great if Capcom released Resident Evil 5 on Wii. I played RE4 on the Wii before and the controls made it so much easier to play. But then I played RE5 on PS3 and I didn't like it as much. I still prefer playing RE games on the Wii.
Here's what Capcom should take into account.
If you're like me and possibly a lot of the other commenters here, then you'd pay a premium to get the RE5 WII version with what a lot of the rest of you would call inferior graphics. It was (and is) that good in terms of control.
The graphics argument I can understand from a coding perspective -- lots of $$$ involved if it means supporitng two compeletely different graphics engines. But from an enjoyment perspective, it's like the audiophile telling me about frequencies his system can play that mine can't -- even though most real music lovers would never be able to tell the difference.
So Capcom -- put that in your pipe and smoke it -- you could make a ton of money on this game.
Well, I played through the RE5 game on a friend's PS3. It was a great game and I won't bash it, but I really didn't like the controls. I have only used the PS3 a few times and I never really got used to the controller. After playing RE5 on it for 15 hours I was used to it (for the most part), but I still wasn't comfortable with it.
I own a Wii and am just like the rest of you guys. I would buy the game in a split second if it was ported to the Wii. It is really a hassle when I already own a system that would be perfectly capable of playing it. If I must, I can and will stop buying RE games. I won't like it, but I also know how to speak with my money. I have been buying RE games since RE 1. I bought RE3:Nemesis too. I also bought Code Veronica. Hmmmm, that's right, I also bought RE 2. Yeah I bought RE 4 for the Wii....I would love to buy RE 5, but I can't....Please Capcom, take my money.
P.S. I also bought RE:Zero
Seems to me that this is a ploy to boost poor sales for the PS3/Xbox. Well if they think I'm gonna run out and buy one of those they are wrong! This is all about money.
Capcom can totally make a wii port of this game, hands down...the only thing that bothers me about this is your comparison of graphics. Yes, for the time RE4 had amazing graphics, but i currently own RE5 and RE4, and im sorry but the graphics on RE5 completely BLOW the graphics of RE4 out of the water. The wii wouldnt be able to look that good, and i dont care what kind of technical data you throw at me, the wii isnt powerful enough to handle those graphics...on the other hand, graphics dont matter. dead rising on the 360 has great graphics, and its a great game. the wii version of dead rising is the exact same game with wii graphics. it doesnt look as sharp as the 360 version but its still fun, which is the same vibe im getting from a wii version of RE5
i would like to play re5 on the wii. i have re4 and beat it 20 times and im still plaing it today. i think the only proble for making it for the wii is to downgarde the graphics and tone down enemys. other than that it would make a great wii game.
RE5 looks graphically impressive but at times they overdid it for the cutscenes.
I reckon a Wii edition could look like RE4 with bloom lighting and self shadowing (as seen in Twilight Princess and Rogue Leader) intact.
I don't see why the areas and enemies can't be repicated they weren't anything special.
Dead Rising Chop Till You Drop was very close to the original in standarrd definition the only thing seemingly missing was the shadows. You may point out the enemy fade in too but that was probably down to developer laziness or the game engine or something.
If a RE5 Wii does happen I would like to see two of DRCTYD's revisions intact and those are automatically collecting fallen items and the D pad weapon select (which was present in RE5).
Capcom has announced a release on an Umbrella Chronicles sequel focusing on Leon and Claire. They are also re-remaking Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil. Capcom will NOT release it for the Wii. Luckely I have both a Wii and an Xbox360
With nintendo announcing the release of the wii 2 in 2010 or 11, it can probably be said that Resident Evil 5 will eventually make it to the wii. The wii 2 will have high def thus making itself evident as an obvious transfer of consoles. Resident Evil 4 came out in 2005 and appeared on the wii in 2007. If Resident Evil 5 comes out in 2009 there will be another 2 year gap until 2011 when the wii 2 should already be out. Hopefully Resident Evil 5 can come to wii sooner but if it doesn't, at least it's more than likely that it will come eventually.
The trouble with porting RE5 to the Wii is not really a graphical leap.
The issue is the complexity of the level design, the destructible environments and the sheer volume of enemies on the screen at one time (which is always significantly more than RE4.)
Having played and finished RE5 and being up to speed with the technical capabilities of the Wii Capcom would be building an entirely new game for the Wii from the ground up (or by way of the RE4 engine with some up to date spiffing.)
RE4 was a feasible Wii port as the architecture of the two systems is almost 1 for 1 so it was a sleep walk to port it.
Building a Wii port of RE5 needs to be logistically and fiscally viable in order to succeed.
I'm not 100 percent that Capcom would go ahead with it.
you no whats funny when nintendo got asked about if they want the RE4 upgraded in terms of graphics/gameplay they said just controls that shouldnt give capcom the reason to do such a bad port of dead rising,i mean capcom have built a game engine they say is the most powerful on the system for monster hunter 3 so why the hell not use that game engine to make RE5 because that game looks better than RE5 except the resolution and dead rising wii should have also been made off the MH3 game engine whats going on even REGGIE asked why have u left out key titles on the wii they were built for HD consoles from the ground up every game capcom make for HD consoles effort is put into the way it looks and on the wii they only feel it nessasery to make effort on select tiles nintendo should have a stern word with them because they own more than half the market with a console that can crank out amazing visuals comparable to 360 in 480p and this is what devs do the wii could take RE4 graphics and maybe even make tham better than RE5 due to not having to do high resolution im not blagged think of what devs could do to RE4 with loads more rem,graphics card up there with the 360,500 million polygons,instead of 75,lots of extra stuff TEV for next gen effects =CONDUIT
chip set is around 2x gamecube ram is more like 3.5 x gamecube and disc space is like 6 x gamecube disc and loads/streams faster
24mb main ram gamecube
88mb ram wii thats 350% more ram and bandwidth AT THE SAME RESOLUTION.....
2x gamecube processing AT THE SAME RESOLUTION
resident evil 5 - HD 100% doable
It's inevitable. The Wii will get RE5. MH3, Conduit, Dark Chronicles, etc., all look incredible and really shows what the Wii can do with effort from developers.
yes... plz just make re 5 for wii! even if it downgraded a bit i love the game so much and only have as wii! PLZ!! CAPCOM I BELIEVE IN YOU DONT LET ME DOWN!
Capcom is already making a Wii RE game, but its not RE5. Its some thing like RE: Darkside Chronicles. Its the "Sequel" to the unbrella chronicles. So if that does super good, I don't think they are going to be putting RE5 on wii any time soon. It also co-op and it has really good graphics, so I really don't see the point on putting RE5 on there also. Anyways, my friend said that RE5 suck because it doesn't focus on horror so much as action. So I might not get it anyway.
What is the point of bringing us spin-offs for the Wii without giving us access to the primary story material? Not only are the excuses flimsy, it would be exceedingly short-sighted to alienate the Nintendo fans who ensured the series' popularity. We all know there has to be some sort of contract mandating a delayed release so the latest generation systems could get an increase in sales. The real question is how long does this "saavy" agreement make us wait for the Wii release?
make re5 for wii nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cause me and millions of others agree!
Its obvious that releasing re5 for the wii would be hugely benefitial for capcom. Its almost stupid if they didn't release it for the wii. Im sure i speak for everyone when saying no one would care if the graphics arn't as good or it wont reach the full potential of the ps3 and xbox's versions. WE WII OWNERS JUST WANT TO PLAY RE5.
Nice post
RE 5 FOR WII or CAPCOM is officially a bunch of tards...hard tards...
With Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q=resident+evil+darkside+chronicles&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2&aq=f&oq=) coming out, I don't think it's too likely that we'll be seeing an RE5 on Wii.
I'm hugely disappointed. Capcom should have put RE5 on Wii.
So what? Capcom making Darkside Chronicles for Wii doesn't mean they aren't thinking about RE5 for Wii.
Honestly, how many of you knew that Capcom made a Wii-make of RE1 called Resident Evil Archives?
I'll keep my hopes down, but it wouldn't surprise me if in 6 months or so (or in 2010 after REA, and DSC) that further speculation will arise about Capcom making RE5 for the Wii.
which games console put resident evil on the map? IT WAS THE SONY PS1 NOT nintendo game cube or wii.
If the graphics are an issue, idk what Capcom officials are on. I just beat Metroid Prime 3 for the second time yesterday, and it's graphics are as good, if not better than RE5's, which I played at my friends house. Metroid 1 and 2's graphics were better than Halo 2's in last-gen. Metroid is unfortunately completely underrated.
An RE5 on wii would be cool, but as we all know, it wont be nearly as graphically stunning as the true next gen consoles.
Pro-cool controls
Con- Graphic and sound are gonna suck
Con - not as many enemies could be on the same screen, although i doubt that will be as much of a problem as in Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop
Con - Movements wouldnt be as fluid.
That being said, i think ill take the 360 version, although i would love to try RE5 on wii, but as has been said before, its all about the benjamins, and a wii port, as we can all see by the insane amount of comments here Capcom would sell probably as many as copies on wii as on 360 and PS3 put together, but then again, how many real gamers own a PS3? it does kind of suck...
I really think that Capcom should stop feeding us Wii owners this side-story crap. yes, umbrella cronicles was a resident evil game. no, that doesnt make it very good.
i really liked the format of RE4 as opposed to the rail-shooter format of Umbrella Cronicles. exploring and reaching every nook and cranny was (and is) a great part of RE4. RE5 for the Wii sounds like such a obvious transition. i would bet money that most Wii owners would rather have lower graphics and be able to play RE5, then not at all.
Capcom should really have some sense with this. it seems obvious to me...
and if they do make Darkside Cronicles, please, i really dont feel like ANOTHER rail-shooter for the Wii.
thank you! That looks like a great resource.
I really hope that they port Resident Evil 5 to the Wii. Even though the graphics might be just a little downgraded, im sure RE5 will hold its name in terms of gameplay and action/horror/survival.
You can't not admit even though borrowing the same mechanics from resident evil 4 and tweaking them a bit,adding better texture and better animations (lots of Majini types), that it still wouldn't look magnificent on the Wii. If RE4and Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles can look good on the Wii,then Resident Evil 5 has a damn good chance of giving hardcore fans (like myself) a good invested game. Capcom needs to make the right choice. 120,000+ fans are waiting.
WTF!?!.....Is there a RE 5 for the Wii....yes or no.....
Totally agree! I already signed the petition and I also believe that there is no big deal with the graphics, RE4 is like the best game and it was for GC, so a port for Wii just like it, or slightly better would be nice.
I agree completly re5 would look maybe not as good but still good. i mean as im typing im using opera on my wii. so capcom needs to pull their heads out of their asses and get to WORK!!!!
In re: darkside chronicles can you move by your self or does it move or you? An will there be online and co-op mode?
Capcom is thinking about making ports of some video games to the wii it might be resident evil 5 on one of the ports
well ive heard that re5 wont be on wii cuz it cant handle the graphics and to mouch enemies but someone said on the descrition that capcom willdo something for re5 on wii in the next 2 or 3 years.....can u even wait that long.oh yeah,its about the ports
careful of what u say ur pissing capcom off lol.
Anyways...I love to see re5 on wii but the problem is it cant handle the graphics,they say wii cant handle even the title page.........
I think im gonna cry.
but someone said about in the nexxt 2 or 3 years they will make a port for re5 on wii(as said in the description)but sorry i cant wait that long.re5 is already leaving me nightmares lol!one day i cant help but buy a ps3 for the game mwek!
capcom is little busy cuz re5 isnt the only game they created u know.
hopefully they need alot i mean A LOt of Time till oobe on wii.
eh guys could u even wait for 2 or 3 years forre5 tobe portedon wii
loosing hope,feeling depressed of result of capcom from re5 to wii fuck!
comparing wont help,and what good wold it do
oh yes re5 for wii please!
coming right up....
oh yeah where do you sign for the petition..i got 2348 freebies who would like to sign and they also have their own wii.please tell me 2348 is a lot of people
i can't tell if your in or out lol
hey um who you talkign to? lol
Ya were is the petition at?? I wanna sign
capcom can do anything if they put there mind into it
Omg the petition got over 60k sigs
You people complaining that using gamecube shots were inacurate would be wrong. As you were told the Wii is 3x more advanced and granted not as advanced as the ps3/360 but it has the capabilities to work on wii even if the graphics arn't as great. Besides the way the game would handle alone would be reason for anyone to buy. I have compared the graphics for resident evil 4 for the wii and re5 for the ps3 and there is not as much a diffrence as you would think. Not one that is noticable while you are in the middle of playing the game at least. Face it, it probly will come out on the wii due to the fact that it will make them money. Case closed.
It'll be better for everyone because games should like this shuold be comign on all multi consoles
Chances are they will so don't worry
they should make re5 for the wii and some people dont have a 360 or ps3 if not wii then pc even the president of nintendo said he would love 2 have re5 for the wii
I am a big fan of RE4, and was disappointed when RE5 was not released on the Wii. But, if it takes 2 or 3 years to invest time and effort into porting a RE5 game for the Wii the exitement for the game will have passed. Since Capcom would have to use a different game engine and build the game from the ground up it would be a better investment to develop RE6 exclusively for the Wii. Excitement for an exclusive game would generate higher sales than a 3 year old ported game. The RE4 port for the PS2 did not do as well, so why make the same mistake twice by porting RE5 for the Wii. If it occurred within 6 months of the Xbox 360 and PS3 releases a port may make sense, but that's not going to happen.
Save the RE5 Wii edition for later, and concentrate on a RE6 Wii exclusive.
I loved the style of gameplay with RE4 on the Wii.. being in control as if it was you, walking where you wanted, running where you wanted, climbing.. jumping etc etc... could anyone give me a list of games for the wii which use this style of play? I recently bought some games that I thought were like this but they were just general shoot em ups where you were dragged along without any choice of stopping and investigating etc etc... many thanks
I can't believe what I'm reading, you actually diss the PS2 version saying it lacked many of what the GameCube had and try to say that RE5 isn't much for the Wii because it doesn't look so much better than RE4? Man you must be be the most idiot person in the planet. Have you ever PLAYED RE5, it's incredibly more advanced than RE4 (technology, physics, visuals, definition).
RE5 on the Wii would make the console explode lol
The GC wasn't that much more powerful than the PS2, and the downgrade was already cruel, imagine comparing the 360 and PS3 (two incredibly powerful machines, mind you) with the Wii, which is basically a GameCube 1.1.
You should kill yourself for being a n00b.
yea we already know the wii not a hd console but it can still hold great graphics lol
it's pretty freakin gay they wont put RE5on the wii
i hope they will considered it i mean yea you hear this a lot but re4 on the wii was awsome
I REALLY think it would be better if RE5 was made for the Wii cause SOME PEOPLE aren't retarded enough to buy a brand new game system just for 1GAME!!!!! I have a Wii, ps1, ps2, xbox, and gameboy Advance, so I just got one thing to tell Capcom... Please make the game for the Wii before I lose my temper. Please!!
Look because RE5 is becomeing another smash hit in the gaming industry of course it was going to take time for the creators at Capcom to expand the franchise to more consoles just like they did with RE4. With "talks of expansion" already in session we now know that in no time at all the decision has already been made to create a working "demo" of RE5 for the Wii but a complete game would not be ready for another few moths or even a year which may cause some disappointment to alot of fans of the franchise. In my opinion the creation of a finished Wii installment of RE5 will definately be in the future of Capcom and all lovers of the Resident Evil experience.
Latest update:
Straight from the producers mouth.
i am a owner of a wii and i could only say till now re4 is the best game becours you dont get many good games on the wii
This whole thing with the wii being a ps2 is a complete lie. Look at the graphics of The Conduit. The lighting, self reflection and refraction, self shadow. Its all there. The Conduits graphics rival that of a decent 360 or ps3 game. The only reason people think the wii is so much like a ps2 is because there're so many dang ps2 ports for the wii.
im confused i didnt really read comments so i dont know about this thing but i want re5 and for some reason i cant find it for wii on gamespot.com or gamestop.com or any other site so does it have a different name or something
im sitting in my basement fuming over this, capcom could work off re4 parameters to create re5 wii edition. i own a copy of the guiness book of world records gaming edition. the wii sold more than 11.4 million units in 2008, the highest of all three consoles. the wiis hardware specs are as follows: 512mb internal flash memory, can run over 500 million polygons per second, 88 mb of ram, 64mb of GDDR3 ram, it has a pc “broadway” processor which runs at 729 MHz, the gc only ran 12 million polygons per second! with 485MHz pc processor. to make re4 for gc would have been tougher than making re5 for wii. fuck, the original xbox only ran 116 million polygons a second, the is 5 times as powerful, yet 3 times smaller, the xbox [old] only had a 733MHz processor, only 4MHz more than the wii, and the visuals games like fable and fable the lost chapters are excellent, except for storage capacity and badwidth the is equal to or superior to the old xbox.
:( WHY???????????????????????????????????????
Hopefully there is a Re5 wii. We just have to wait. But will they have the co-op system like the Xbox360/PS3???? if that is detracted that sucks, but will the game have good graphics? i would think so because Re5 is already released in you the systems. And while the game was released they couldve been making graphics since then.
To those of you who are concerned with Capcom not wishing to put Re5 on the Wii based on graphics, all I got to say is... re4 Zeebo version.
I dont understand how activision can make the call of duty games for all the sytems, but capcom cant make re5for all systems?I know the graphics for the wii are dulled downn and arent as good but wii gamers dont realy care about the graphics, we care about the unique game play the wii offers.
thy didnt feel likeputting the efforti iin lol
Guys i'm from Greece.I love RE games.I have all RE games in Camecube and WII.I am so dissapointed that they don't make RE5 in WII.And i know i am not the only one.I hope Nitento could produce the game instead of saying stupid excuses and infuriating all RE lovers...
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