Finally we get to see what the game looks like beyond the CG. It looks very similar to the cut-scene graphics, with nice lighting and detailed environments. Don't know anything more about the game or the story but hopefully it will be scary and good.
looks amzing if u ask me day 1 game for me with sadness,disaster,conduit,red steel 2,some more games not all that i get day 1 oh cant forget MH3
looks amazing visually dont know much on the gameplay all i know is its the scariest game of all time some say the second
visuals look amazing and 1 of the scariest games if not the scariest game out there cant wait i reckon september 08
Most of these screens are pretty small, which I am sometimes skeptical of, but they are simply gorgeous. If they dig into the mind of Suda 51 and get the gameplay from someone else, this game could be one awesome and trippy ride.
Wii flash light!
I fear the ones with goog lighting are from cut-scenes, and the ones where we see the protagonist without any good shadowing are actual gameplay. Check the first page, the two at the bottom. notice any difference?
Also look at the second page, look at the colors and shadowing on the two pics in the middle. The model looks like it's just been pasted there..
Not saying they're not nice graphics, but I'd love to see some serious dynamic lighting and more intense shadowing in wii titles. I think that's 85% of what makes 360/ps3 games look so good (aparte from resolution, for which I don't care at all, and other less important effects)
goog = good
aparte = apart (spanish betrayed me there :))
I guess I should use a spellchecker. :)
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