SouthPeak Games has confirmed X-blades for the PS3, Xbox 360, PC and the Wii. Notice that there was no PS2 version announced? This is good news seeing that they will not be porting over PS2 assets for a watered down Wii version. My bet is that SouthPeak will port the PC version just without Shader Model 3, so we'll have a decent looking Wii game with less detailed shading than the other versions. The main character looks interesting.....
Is this a game similar to Devil May Cry or God of War? It looks like a hack-n-slash type of thing but I can't really tell from these screens. Looks interesting though.
the 1st non brain using fukwiid to state wii cant do those graphics gets my foot in there skull OF COURSE IT CAN DON'T BE SO ANTI WII BRAINWASHED OR BIASED...........
3rd partys with these kinda action titals need to start doing true wii games and stop the lies and excuses fuking sony biased bastard industry fools
Nice grammar!
Oh leave him alone he's trying....
Heh, "titals."
It does look pretty nice and a God of War type title would be good for Wii; but Southpeak is hardly a great developer anyway. While I believe that third developers can do better than what they are already doing; Southpeak isn't a big enough publisher to pull a great visual game and make it sell which is the most important thing. That's why Capcom's Monster Hunter 3 will be the most important title visual wise since they can sell that game over the million unit mark and show that Wii can do better graphics than some of the trolls have been speaking.
As for the bad grammer fanboy: I agree with Metal Dave: Leave him alone. He's not the real problem. It's the one who claim not to be fanboys and then make fanboy comments that are the most dangerous.
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