A fan has posted information on the N4G forums saying that SquareEnix will be releasing Kingdom Hearts 3 exclusively for the Wii this winter according to the latest March 2008 Nintendo Power. This is not confirmed yet since no one has seen the issue or seen any scans. However, the last Nintendo Power did say that in the next month's issue they would reveal a huge exclusive RPG for the Wii.....
Here is the link to the information
Hey Metaldave. Just confirmed this as fake. Check it out, if you want.
Thanks for clearing that up my friend. What will the RPG be then?? Lets get that Nintendo Power soon...
Good question. I mailed the magazine again, asking about that mystery game (if they really did promise to reveal one), but they haven´t replied yet. I´ll update my blog as soon as I receive word, though.
Great, I'll be waiting (like a lot of us) for that. If it's not Kingdom Hearts, I'm not sure what big name it could be....Golden Sun maybe?
disney did say there future games wouldnt suck and wii was the ovious format for them so there might just be some truth to this
The RPG is Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Hopefully it lives up to all the other games in the tales series. I'm just glad that an RPG worth playing will be coming to the Wii! :)
Oh, I should add that scans can be seen here:
Uh guys? If you go to the Japanese portion of the Square Enix website you'll see that the new Kingdom Hearts game (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep) will be coming out on the playstation portable. Besides, why would they switch from the playstation platforms to an entirely different platform.
This made me lol. You're full of it. It's fake. We have PROOF! XD
That's a Fake. KH3 is going on PS2 and PS3 and also there are new games on PSP and DS, so there are more games comming. Ha Ha Ha...
You know that it is fake bc on the back it says "It AL Begins with Birth by Sleep" it says al not all
What needs to happen with Kingdom Heart's 3 is Sora should mature a bit more all whil retaining his nature and personality. He and his friends need to be put in some real life and death situations and out of those situations Sora needs to be really pissed off and show a darker side. Also there there needs to be a real romance blossoming between Sora and Kairi it is what everyone wants its certainly what I want but in this romance it should be innocent im not saying they should go fuck in the secret place (though thst would be hot as hell) but an actual boyfriend girlfriend relationship.Also they need to utilise the connections between and the other keyblade masters. If this in KH3 the game will be perfect.
I'm pretty sure this is a rumor because there is supposed to be a Kingdom Hearts 3: Reconnect. I'm not completely positive that it's the Kingdom Hearts 3, but i am pretty sure it is. If you watch the secret ending to Birth By Sleep, it looks very much like a Kingdom Hearts 3. Go to webjam.com/kingdomheartsfansite to see the secret ending aka the beginning of KH3. And i dont know what console it would be for, probably PS3. Hopefully PS3. I do not own a wii.
This is so fake that it's funny.
Kingdom Hearts is Sony. Period.
I loved when Kingdom hearts came for the Wii in 2008
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