I liked the first game on PS1 but kinda lost track of the series after that; Goldeneye and Perfect Dark took up a good 4 years of my gaming life back in the late 90's and early 00's. I say the more games the better. Good news.
Update from IGN Wii:
The rumor started shortly after a Vivendi-held European games summit. Within hours, an overseas website was reporting that Crash Bandicoot would hit Wii sometime in 2007. We called Vivendi for clarification and it turns out that the rumor is false. During a question and answer session, a Vivendi representative was apparently asked about next generation development and replied loosely that the publisher was looking into all consoles. The rumor snowballed from there. A Vivendi spokesperson flatly denied the Crash Bandicoot Wii rumor, calling it "rubbish."
Im not a big fan of crash,but i dont mind it coming to the wii.
Do you know when the media or nintendo might release some new updated screen shots on all there games? its going on to 3 months.
I will ask gameon if he know also
In September we will be seeing new Wii games and hands-on impressions. Thats when Nintendo will announce the release date as well. Only a month and a half now.
cool thanks for the info
Also when is the online going to happen?and what time? i still need the metroid code just to remind you.
thanks later man
p.s. ask gameon for the metroid code and we can have a battle to the finish.
I'll get the friend code for Metroid tonight, but I would much rather play Mario Kart first. Give me your email address Hex and then I can contact you when I'm ready for a game. I can't just post a comment here and hope you get it on a weekend.
No problem man.
my email is nelsonvasquez64@hotmail.com
i will check my email by 7:00pm today,and i will check it saturday by 7:00pm - 8:00pm.
Alright metaldave later.
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